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  1. Just sent something from radarr to deluge, and it is showing as active in Sonarr, and Lidarr... I'm never updating again lol
  2. I pulled the latest and now deluge is reporting downloads correctly to the Arrs, but my NZBget still won't start a download, it loads in the list - status downloading, but there is no traffic. Verified it pulled the new IP that i got from PIA when updating Deluge. It might be an issue with the update for nzbget that I also installed this morning.
  3. I updated DelugeVPN this morning as well as Binhex NZBget, and I am now experiencing some weird behavior. When I add something to Deluge via Binhex sonarr, it is now being reported as download activity for binhex radarr, lidarr and readarr (all binhex apps). Binhex NZBget will not download anything, files get added, but it will not download. in the container i get the same outbound IP as in deluge, but for some reason, now nothing will download. This was updated this morning as well I have deluge vpn setup in bridge mode and I am routing all traffic for all the ARRs and Nzbget through Deluge. I'm stumped...
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