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Everything posted by Alberto

  1. I am experiencing the same issues you described, adding that opening any image on preview takes a long time.
  2. I set up MyServer plugin but after rebooting i cannot log back in, I am using the same credentials (email and password) to log in my account/forum but Unraid Server will not accept this credentials, what am i doing wrong?
  3. Problem solved. I had to configure the LSI card to IT mode. Working smooth now. Thank you all.
  4. I am afraid it does not on this QNAP device. After turning on I assume it goes onto a "blind" POST and then directly onto Unraid boot sequence, I can before this invoke BOOT option which allows me to select different BOOT options and BIOS menu, but the menu I assume is a custom one build for QNAP and it is very limited, I am sure QNAP did not intend nor welcome users wanting to use their HW in any other way than theirs.
  5. Yes, I am using an exterrnal Shelf/JBOD enclosure connecting to card with SFF-8088->SFF8088 cable. Also yes to using same cable, enclosure and HDD as before, only change is replacing Highpoint 2722 for LSI 9200-e8 card I just rechecked connections again and still no success
  6. @bof007, in my case (QGD-1600P) I hit F7 during boot to bring up menu, then I change the order of boot devices, save and exit. This will get the server to boot from the flash drive as long as it is present, if I remove the flash and reboot the menu will reset to DOM (or whatever as I have not found a DOM yet) QNAP OS boot as 1st boot device.
  7. Here is the diagnostic file. I am new to Unraid and to linux as well. I am using a QNAP QGD-1600P as server so BIOS config are very limited and closed unfortunately. Thanks!! morpheus-diagnostics-20210320-1116.zip
  8. I installed a recently purchased LSI 9200-8e card but Unraid fails to see any HDD. I previously had a Highpoint 2722 that did see the HDD, what am I missing?
  9. How did you change the BIOS, from Unraid or did you change using a different computer (Windows?) I have tried to change the BIOS using a windows VM but it will not allow it. I appreciate whatever info you can share.
  10. Yes, the limited disk support is a drawback. I am looking for a SAS expansion option to add additional drives, suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.
  11. Did you ever get the rocketraid to work with Unraid. I also was gifted a Mercury Rack Pro but with a rocketraid 2722 instead (similar to the 2711 but with double external SAS port)
  12. I recently bought a QGD-1600 Switch/NAS (https://smile.amazon.com/QNAP-QGD-1600P-4G-US-16-Port-Celeron-Processor/dp/B07ZGJMXWR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3NARAMQ515GPJ&dchild=1&keywords=qnap+qgd-1600p&qid=1614399897&sprefix=qnap+qgd%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-1) and was also able to boot up Unraid, I now have an Unraid NAS and a POE Switch in one box, the cool thing is that because the server has two separate cpus/logic the switch operates as original booting up QSS (QNAP switch sw) while coexisting with Unraid on the Host side. Have not yet committed to Unraid but will start playing to see if I completely switch over.
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