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Everything posted by Matanceros

  1. Crashed again today, but the screen froze with two notifcations. Right now the machine is booted, but disk 2 has been automatically disabled. Keeping an eye on whether the machine fails again. May look into swaping out disk 2.
  2. aite, thanks! It stayed alive all night last night, so I'm formulating a plan to check the hardware.. First would be my SAS drives. Is it alright if I take one offline a day, and see how it performs? Would unRAID find any problems with that? All advice and pointers are deeply appreciated!
  3. Re-exported and attached. Yes, I have this set up. The syslog- file I've been attaching is the syslog I'm getting from it. Thanks for the help! tower-diagnostics-20210303-2329.zip
  4. Just crashed again - Uploading the new log. It seems that the log collected is not verbose.. Is there any settings to improve the verbosity of the log? As an added measure, I've also attached the syslog downloaded via the tools page (diagnostics). All and any help is appreciated. syslog- syslog.txt
  5. Aite, I'll try disabling spin down. Hopefully it'll solve my crashing issue. Will report back with more on next crash! Edit: Alternatively, would this help with the issue?
  6. Woke up today w/ an unresponsive server, restarted and my disks were missing. Second restart brought the disks back. Log attached, what's ioctl? syslog-
  7. Thanks for the reply! I left the rig on at night to try to get some info, but it seems that it has crashed again this morning. I'm setting up a syslog server now and hopefully be able to produce something by end of day to upload.
  8. So hi there! I'm pretty new to the whole unRAID thing, but I'm loving learning every step of the way! Right now I've run into something that I can't really solve. So right now the server will fail randomly when there are write tasks performed, at seemingly random intervals. These fails require hard restarts - I can't access the server from my browser, the keyboard/mouse connected to the server is unresponsive, etc. Basically the system is powered up, but is unresponsive in all fronts. I've tried cancelling parity and all (seems to help, but still fails). Some solutions recommend a cache drive (getting one in the mail in a few days), but looking for other solutions in the meantime. Any help is greatly appreciated! System specs: Dell T110ii E3 1270-v2 16GB 1600MHz ECC 6 TB SAS x3
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