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Report Comments posted by Carpe_Diem

  1. Can confirm, same behavior:


    Current setup is 3 HDD with no parity, + SSD cache. I have docker with telegraf working, and also Dynamix fan control, but they are NOT the issue.


    Drives refuse to scheduled spin down, even with docker disabled and plugins disabled (safe boot). When they are manually spinned down, they remain in that state until woke up.


    In Dashboard, all three disk show constant read activity of exactly 341B/s or 682B/s (same in all drives at same time), but this is a "fake" read, because dashboard still shows that read activity with drives manually spinned down, which is of course, impossible.


    It seems to me that this is a bug where unraid is getting fake read activity, and so, it does not automatically spin down drives. Docker/Grafana and plugins cannot be blamed, as problem persist with no plugins and docker disabled.


    This behavior was not present with 6.8.3 (automatic spin down worked perfectly fine)

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