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  1. I did this test again but the issue didn't occured. I certainly did it wrong the first time, sorry for that 😅 I did this test on command line within five differents container with differents images and for the five the permissions of /tmp and /var/tmp was reset to 755 after an Unraid full reboot. There is the list of the image name : factoriotools/factorio linuxserver/mariadb linuxserver/nextcloud linuxserver/nginx phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
  2. Hello, I have the issue too. After a reboot of Unraid, the /tmp and /var/tmp folders are set with permissions 755 in every docker containers. To correct this, I have to chmod 777 the folders and the permissions remain set to 777 even after a container restart. I also tried to disable/enable the Docker service via Unraid GUI and the same issue occured. So it seems to come from either the service shutdown or start. I did this test again but the issue didn't occured. I certainly did it wrong the first time, sorry for that 😅 I'm on Unraid 6.9.2 with Docker 20.10.5. As example, I have a container running the image of linuxserver/mariadb, when this container launches, mariadb will log this error [ERROR] mariadbd: Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/ibXXXXXX' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied")