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  1. @Falcosc Yes I've found this, too. But I didn't modify the kernel to test it.
  2. Hello folks, I know this topic is quite old but I wanted to add something I've realized on my Unraid server. I'm basically remounting my disks and cache-pool with relatime. Then I've made my own mover in python, which is listing all files on my share (I only have one) and sorting them by accesed date. From that I can decide which files should go to cache and which should go to array. In my script I'm creating two lists: one array-lsit and one cache-list. I'm adding files to the cache-list until its reaching 75% of my cache-pool size. After that I'm invoking the "move"-Script and moving the files which should go to cache and array. I'm running the mover once a day, which synergizes with the 24h time period of relatime. I don't know if relatime has major drawbacks. I know that it is increasing writes, which is not good especially for the sdd cache-pool. But I've monitored it a while and it seems like there are not that much additional writes. If you are interested, here is my custom mover: https://github.com/ericbeier/unraid-mover/blob/main/mover_custom I would not recommend to just copy and paste it, since it's highly specialized to my server. But maby you get a idea. Since I'm german, I hope you forgive my bad english and the comments are of courese also in german. So thank you for reading guys.
  3. Hello community, I've created a script which is putting my server into sleep (s3) after quite some time, if not used. I also let my HDDs spin down, if not used (in a shorter period of time of course). When I reactivate the server, e.g. with WOL all Hard Disks will spin up. I would like to prevent this and keeping them in standby mode unless I'll access them. Things I've tried so far: using "hdparm -s" to enable PUIS set "/sys/block/sdi/device/scsi_disk/*/manage_start_stop" to 0 (stopping the kernel sd (scsi disk) driver to starting the disk after suspend-exit) deleting the drive by "echo 1 > /sys/block/<devnode>/device/delete" After the first two steps, when the drive was in standby and the system was suspended and reactivated it still spun up, but actually a bit later (3-5sec) as before. Dsmeg shows, that sd starting all disks but not the desired one. So this is working at least. I think something else keeps spinning the disk up. After deleting the drive by step 3, it did not spun up. Problem here is, that I cant find the disk again by unsing 'echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/scan', which does not work at all. But I think this shows, that it is really the kernel or something, which keep spinning the disks up and not the BIOS/UEFI. I hope someone can help.
  4. Hello, did you find any solution for this? How/what package did you compile?
  5. Hello guys, I've a little suggestion. Maby for next update you could modify the remove commands in "vfs_recycle_empty()" and "vfs_recycle_remove()" functions in "rc.recycle" like so: find /mnt/RecycleBin/User\ Shares/*/* ! -name "desktop.ini" -delete &>/dev/null This prevents a file called "desktop.ini" from deleting. Furthermore it would be nice if there could be an option on the settings page of the plugin like "Exclude file from deleting:" where you could add files, which should stay in the recycle bin (like my desktop.ini). Maby this is possible. Anyways thank you dlandon for the great plugin.
  6. It would be nice if you could share it, when it is working for you. The following scenario is working for me: 'virsh start <VM>' (from console) --> VM is booting --> shut down VM --> press 'Arrow Up' & Enter --> VM starts again, because of last cmd. I have still no visible console, but because my usb devices are handed back to Unraid after the passthrough, I can use my keyboard blindfolded. So it is possible to write a script (with a short name), which you can execute blindfolded. But a visible console would still be nice.
  7. Yes, thank you. I've found this too, but with a "pause" I meant that I'm going away from the computer, doing other stuff and later come back. Just like you would do with a normal PC. So I thought, I could turn off my VM and get the console back. Then I would turn my monitor and USB devices off and go away. After a while I want to come back, turn my monitor on and start the VM againt through the console. I think it's same thing you want, too.
  8. I thought I could use it to start my VM (later, when i need it) again or start another VM, all from the same machine. So basically I want to: Power off Windows 10 VM --> get console back --> pause --> start Windows 10 VM/other VM through console
  9. I would like to know this, too. I'm passing through my single, primary GTX 970 to a Windows 10 VM. After powering off the VM I would like to get the Unraid console back.
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