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  1. Just to wrap up this issue, I'll outline the steps I took. -Removed power splitters where possible. Though they were evenly balanced across 3 cables, only two were necessary (one used for the SSDs). -Replaced the HBA card. I believe this was the issue. Both drives with current issues and the drives I've previously encountered issues with (its good to keep notes) were connected to the same port on the HBA card. After the last issue, I replaced the cable, so I was confident the card was the problem. -Replaced the relevant breakout cable from the HBA card. I had a spare, no reason not to. -Rebuilt parity 2 and disk 3 on top of themselves, simultaneously, in maintenance mode. No errors/alerts. -Disk 3 is no longer disabled, but it is unmountable. Looks like my next step is XFS repair and then recover lost files/sort through the lost+found. I may swap in a spare drive and rebuild disk 3, again, just in case it was a connection or drive issue in the rebuild.
  2. Awesome. I wasn't sure if it would rebuild two at the same time or if that created problems/risks that wouldn't be there doing them one at a time. Thank you, again.
  3. I'm ready to rebuild and would like confirmation that my next steps are appropriate. My plan is to drop parity 2, rebuild on top of the existing disk for the disabled disk 3, and then add parity 2 back after that is successful. Is that the best course of action? Parity 2 is 18tb and disabled disk 3 is 8tb, so it seems like the fastest way to get back to a protected state.
  4. Thank you so much for the help. Fingers crossed it's just bad power management/cabling.
  5. Sorry for the second question - Are you saying I resume the rebuild now or shut down and try to rearrange power to determine if that's the issue, so I don't risk another drive erroring out in the remaining rebuild time?
  6. I've definitely been using some of the bad ones. Looks like I need new splitters, when necessary, and to make sure I evenly distribute power across the three cables I have in use. (I was incorrect saying two above) Edit to add: Thank you for the info/picture.
  7. Well. Crap. I read some comments where people identified them as a fire risk and thought I was smart to avoid them. Plus, the SATA splitters lacked the wire that allowed me to not tape pins for the easy stores I shucked. Even with Parity 2 mid-rebuild and two drives with errors? Is that due to drive 7 only being read errors, causing it to not be disabled?
  8. There are splitters, with drives spaced across two cables, so this is definitely a possibility. I think was trying to avoid molex to SATA adapters and was stupid in the process. That's not a quick fix to get a new cable for my PSU, but it's easy enough to do. Are there any steps I should take, before shutting down my server as is? Just in case there is another issue or to prevent any data loss.
  9. This morning I found my second parity drive was disabled, due to write errors. I believed it was a bad cable, swapped to an unused on the same breakout cable, unassigned it, started the array, stopped, reassigned, and left it to sync/rebuild. This evening I got back to 2 other drives with errors. I paused the rebuild and left the server on, with the array started. Dockers were not started on this reboot. In the past, I've had two with read errors, but it was neither of these drives. One was resolved by replacing the drive, as I planned to upgrade it anyway, but the old drive has been used elsewhere without issue. The second was resolved by replacing the breakout cable. The cable may have not needed to be replaced, but I did. Neither were plugged directly into the motherboard. Those past errors and multiple drives with errors at the same time makes me suspicious of the HBA card, but maybe I'm just this unlucky. Any insight on my current issue and next steps would be appreciated.
  10. There was no error. It just said disconnected. I should have said "issue" instead of "error" in my earlier message, because there is no error message. It is still not working for him to join, with all default settings. It has to be a port forwarding issue within my router or possibly my ISP, so I'll have to explore those possibilities. Edit: Called ISP and they gave me my own IP. Clean reinstall of the docker and now the server shows up in the steam server browser, but it says there is no game. I think it is time to throw in the towel and move on.
  11. Sorry. Error is the incorrect word. I encountered the same issue. I get to the screen that says, "Connecting" and then it dumps me back to the main screen with a popup that just says "Disconnected". Regardless, it does appear to be some kind of network/router issue. If it persists, I'll seek out a different forum for that. I really appreciate your help.
  12. With the completely clean reinstall I can now see the server in my server browser. After joining, it ultimately gave me the same error. Having tested everything else, I assumed it had to be my router. I removed the ports being forward and disabled port forwarding entirely. I was immediately able to connect, via my local IP. I re-enabled port forwarding and it still let me successfully connect. I'll have my friend test if he can join, when he can, but I'm hopeful.
  13. Second recommended post has been read and followed. Log is attached. Valheim log.txt Docker is running, but I am unable to connect. Using the Steam Server Browser it says "Server is not responding." Same connecting and then disconnected issue, if I try to connect directly via local IP in game.
  14. I'm having some trouble with Valheim. I'm entirely new to using my server to host games, so it is more than likely I'm missing something basic. When trying to join my server, it gives a connecting screen and then disconnects. There is no chance to input the password. Previously, I was able to successfully join via my local IP and only my friend was having this issue. I did a firmware update on my router, since it was out of date. I was thinking there was an issue with opening 2456-2458 and my router (Asus RT-AC68U). After the firmware update, I restarted my server and now I'm unable to join via local IP, having the same issue. Password is more than 5 characters, appdata is set to prefer cache, restarted the whole server, I have completely deleted (including appdata folder) and reinstalled the docker, tried with the router firewall on and off, and tried a clean docker install with all default settings - only adding a password. Thoughts?
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