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Posts posted by sansei

  1. On 3/28/2024 at 7:16 AM, JorgeB said:

    This looks more like a device problem, do you have other devices you could try width? Even a couple of non SMR HDDs would perform better than that.

    It's indeed the problem of the one of cache drives. I moved the data from cache pool to array, ran copy tasks individually on each drive and found one of the disks is acting up. Will do the RMA then.
    Thanks a lot!

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  2. Noticed the behavior since I changed the cache pool filesystem to ZFS. They are mirrored 2x2TB SSD drives. Before was using BTRFS without issues.

    File copies from Windows to Unraid sometimes started normal, then gradually dropped to 0 bytes/s and eventually failed.
    I created a share that's exposed a specific disk in the array, then copy files from Windows to this share directly is normal, at about 60MB/s. This is to eliminate any network issues.

    Once done copying, then go into terminal to copy files to cache to test write speed, it is extremely slow. A 70GB file takes over an hour to complete. And often block other activities, such as updating docker containers. It behaves like the file copying task is blocking any other writes to the cache disks. In one severe case, the front GUI became completely non-responsive and threw 500 server error.

    Reading from cache pool is always fine, speed is normal, can reach 115MB/s. This box has been running for about 11 years, with 32GB non-ECC memory. In which, 4GB is allocated to ZFS, as the ratio seems fine. Don't have any VMs, just dockers. Ran Fix Common Problems and did not find any errors or warnings.

    Attached the diagnostics file.


  3. 12 minutes ago, iXNyNe said:

    The built in updater in the web UI is no longer supported when using our docker image (I believe the official image from nextcloud also doesn't support it).


    The correct way to update nextcloud is to update the container image.

    Thank you for the clarification!

  4. 6 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

    You are correct. Wait for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-27.0.1 to be available or switch to lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:latest and let auto update handle it (although we do recommend pinning the specific version and manually updating rather than relying on auto updates).


    Simply updating the image will update nextcloud itself. No manual commands should be necessary.

    In the admin page, also noticed the updating to 27.0.1. Clicked on the 'Open Updater' button, and it gave me 404 page not found error. Is it the expected behavior?

  5. Tried to recover the data on cache drive. The cache pool still mountable, however, when attempting to copy files using MC, many files stalled while copying.


    If I'm skipping them, what's the point of recover them? Problems only occurred once I upgrade to 6.12.x.


    Update: had to restart the server, then mount an individual SSD in the cache pool. Then copy all files to the unassigned disk. Still waiting the files copy to finish. So far, no more copying errors.

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