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  1. 日志出现下述错误信息: 什么原因?有大佬能解决不? 系统暂时运行正常,但不知后续会出现异常不。
  2. After installing your method, renaming the /config/network.cfg file on the flash drive disk, and then reconfiguring the network setting items, this problem has been solved. Thanks!
  3. No. I don't have vlans. I also don't know how there are 27 NICs. How to solve this situation?
  4. I also have the same problem, and the network settings—ipv4 dns cannot set static dns (displayed in gray). ktpd-diagnostics-20230710-2328.zip
  5. After upgrading to version 6.12.2, the application can be entered (Figure 1), but the APP cannot be installed (Figure 2), and the plug-in and docker application cannot be updated (Figure 3). I checked the network settings and found that the dns of ipv4 cannot be set, and the setting bar is always grayed out (Figure 4). I don’t know if the above phenomenon has something to do with this, how to solve it? . ktpd-diagnostics-20230710-2328.zip
  6. 升级到6.12.2版后出现能进应用(图1),但不能安装APP(图2),插件和docker应用也不能更新(图3)。检查网络设置,发现不能设置ipv4的dns,该设置栏始终呈灰色显示(图4),不知道上述现象跟这个有没关系,怎样解决?。
  7. 论坛上能找到的方法试遍了,都没用。最后只能格式化(或更换)缓存盘,重新安装docker所有应用和虚拟机。
  8. 刚解决了docker窗口显示不全的问题(重装中文语言包),现在又出现“设置窗口中网络设置界面”显示不全的问题。设置了网络参数,刷新屏幕后就出现如下现象了,在英文状态下也是如此。
  9. After upgrading to 6.12.2, some docker applications do not work properly. After restarting the system, the cache disk cannot be mounted, and the message "Unable to mount: unsupported file system or no file system" is displayed (an SSD disk).
  10. 升级到6.12.2后,部分docker应用工作不正常。重启系统后,缓存盘不能挂载,显示“ 无法挂载:不支持的文件系统或无文件系统”(一个SSD盘)。