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  1. #!/bin/bash #description=Checks if the chosen folder is over a certain amount, alerts you if so. #arrayStarted=true #name=Warn if Folder too big #clearLog=true #noParity=true # Add more text to name if you need several? Or just add onto the script. warningMessage="Your appdata folder is getting too big!" checkedPath="/mnt/disk1/appdata/" # Size in gigabytes that you want to be warned at and above. let warningSize=5 # ---------------- let "warningSize = warningSize * 1000000" # duSize=$(du -sk $checkedPath | awk '{print$1}') if (( duSize > warningSize )); then /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i alert -s "$warningMessage" -d "$(du -hs $checkedPath)" fi #echo ${duSize} #echo ${warningSize} echo Finished Works with the User Scripts add-on for scheduling!
  2. Oh, perfect! I didn't know how to send notifications, so this is a great starting point. I'll try to remember to post my final script here in case any one searches for this topic in the future.
  3. Hi! I have a docker container that slowly fills up a folder, and currently clearing it manually is the best solution while I write a script to handle it for me. Is there a way to cause a dashboard pop-up if a folder goes above say 5GB used or maybe a % of the disk? (I searched the forums and didn't see a similar question, sorry if it's a repeat!)