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Johnny Utah

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Posts posted by Johnny Utah

  1. Attempting to use the FreePBX Docker:

    Is there a trick to getting this to work?  I downloaded this docker and and did not change any of the settings from default.  It will not start for me at all.  Was there something I was supposed to do or a setting I was supposed to change before starting this up?

  2. Figured out my SSL error.  Just user error.  I had put HTTPS for my Ka it’s URL in the docker setup.  Changing to HTTP fixed it.  

    However, I am now trying to get it to scrap metadata for individual comics with Comicinfo.  It gives me an error that the file types are unsupported though.  My comics are cbr or cbz format so it shouldn’t be an issue.

  3. I am receiving the following error in the logs when trying to use Komf with Kavita:



    22:09:33.602 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] ERROR org.snd.mediaserver.kavita.KavitaEventListener -- kotlin.Unit
    javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message



    Any idea what might be causing this?

  4. I am receiving the following error in the logs when trying to use Komf with Kavita:



    22:09:33.602 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] ERROR org.snd.mediaserver.kavita.KavitaEventListener -- kotlin.Unit
    javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message



    Any idea what might be causing this?

  5. Recently I have been unable to access my Nextcloud dashboard from any browser.  It just shows a white page with the first letter of my username in a circle at the top right.  I cant do anything from here.  I am using this with NginxReverseProxy which has worked in the past until, like I said, just recently.  No changes were made otherwise other than maybe automatic updates.  Any way to fix this or did a recent docker update break the app?

  6. As the title says I am getting quite low FPS and stuttering on my Windows 10 gaming VM.  Here are my server bare metal specs:
    CPU: Intel W-2175 14-Core
    GPU: MSI 3060ti OC
    RAM:  64GB 2666mhz

    For the VM I have set it to use 4 cores and 8 threads for the CPU.  It is using 24GB of RAM.  It is passing through the 3060ti and a USB pcie card.  Using an older 1080p 60hz monitor.  The VM is running off a 200gb VM hard drive image but all domains are on a 1TB Samsung Pro Nvme.

    When running the Heaven benchmark I am getting right around 4000.  I have seen other 3060ti users getting upwards of the 7000 mark.  When running Minecraft there is constant stuttering when moving.  Same with Fortnite.  Cyberpunk is getting around 20fps on high at only 1080p.


    I feel like maybe I am forgetting some setting in setting up the VM or some thing? Was hoping I could get some pointers on some best practices for ensuring a gaming VM is set up for the best possible performance.

  7. So I just noticed that the My servers page says my Unraid is offline all of a sudden.  No changes had been made recently on my end.  Did the latest updates mess something up?  I also noticed there are no longer any options under the My Servers section of the Management Access settings.


    Edit:  Now it is flashing "Disconnected from Unraid API" when i click on the drop-down next to my name int he top right of my server GUI.

  8. So I just noticed that the My servers page says my Unraid is offline all of a sudden.  No changes had been made recently on my end.  Did the latest updates mess something up?  I also noticed there are no longer any options under the My Servers section of the Management Access settings.


    Edit:  Now it is flashing "Disconnected from Unraid API" when i click on the drop-down next to my name int he top right of my server GUI.


    I have been having an issue since setting up my PCI USB controller to passthrough to my VMs where if the VM has to be force stopped for some reason then the USB controller no longer works inside the VMs after starting back up again.  It also takes longer for the VM to boot after a force stop.  The only thing I have found to resolve this is to reboot the entire server.

    If I turn off the VM service then try to start again it will give me the libvrt failed to start error.


     Is there any easier way to reset the USB controller for passthrough in this situation?

  10. One last question.  When I press "Detect" next to PWN fan this is what I get after the box auto fills:


    <br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_get_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>40</b><br /><br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_put_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: Permission denied in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>42</b><br /><br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_put_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: Permission denied in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>50</b><br />/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/fan1_input


    Is this normal or should I make some changes to this? Also pressing the minimum speed detect does not do anything after pressing?


    EDIT:  I found a solution for anyone who may be encountering a similar issue.  I was able to find my fan inputs under /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/ . So i manually put /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/fan1_input for PWM1 and set my minimum speed manually as well.  Did this for all fans and works perfectly now!

  11. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Uninstall the plugin, and if anything is left in /config/plugins/dynamix.autofan delete it.

    Ok thanks.  I will go ahead and do that.  Anything in the Go file that will need manually removed?

  12. I am having a heck of a time getting Dynamix Auto Fan to behave the way I would like.  I need to get a fresh start of using it.  I have done so much trial and error with settings a script editing that its became a bit convoluted.  What would be the best process to totally erase the app from my Unraid server and be able to download and start fresh?  I feel there are config files and scripts spread all over the place and I cant begin to understand what needs deleted and what can stay at this point.

  13. On 6/19/2021 at 7:20 PM, enigma27 said:

    anyone know of a tutorial showing hoe to install the crossplay plugin Geyser?


    dont worry sored this also.


    Just curious how you accomplished this if you wouldn't mind sharing please?  Was hoping to allow Bedrock players to access my Java server.

  14. I am looking for a way to schedule automatic transfers of my NextCloud photos folder to an attached USB HDD.  The USB HDD will be attached directly to the Unraid server and my wife wants to be able to upload her photos to NextCloud from her iPhone but have them automatically sync up to the external HDD on a schedule.  Is this something that is possible?


    Alternatively, I would also be interested in an automated task that would sync the NextCloud photos folder to the external HDD when it is plugged in if that would be doable?

  15. I have a Dell Precision 5820 I am using for my home server with Unraid installed. I have an NVME flexbay assembly but replaced it with the standard 3.5" HDD bay for more storage. I have an NVME installed to a pcie slot but would like to add an additional nvme. There are 2 Oculink PCIE connectors on the motherboard for the NVME flexbay and I was assuming I could use these but this would require finding a way to connect power to it. The flexbay requires a mini 6 pin power connector. Dell only has the 2 for each storage bay set which are already being used. Are there any mini 6 pin splitters that exist or maybe a standard VGA 6 pin to mini 6 pin adapter?

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