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Posts posted by Phteven

  1. 11 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    First of all, what's a "variable constant"? Either it's variable, or it's constant... :)


    Second, where are these defined? I rummaged about in the grafana interface a bit and didn't see anything obvious shouting at me.


    Third, is it possible in any way, shape or form to have a "variable constant" called "Disk01" with a serial number value (or, probably, vice versa) that could be used in all the disk queries so that I can set them up once and have them automatically translated in the dashboard and, even better, between dashboard versions?


    Dashboard settings >> Variables >> Set "Type" to "Constant" and give it a value then update. I dunno if it works tho.




    Your 3rd question, is covered by the "regular" variables (type "query") - I'm using influxdb v2 so it just shows me a big text box but on mine it might let you build a query. Then you could query the serial number for a specific disk and save it in a variable.



  2. 17 minutes ago, Phteven said:

    One of the things I'm trying to wrap my head around, is correct bandwidth utilization on a particular interface. bytes_sent and bytes_recv only list the total traffic on each interface. Thinking about it, you'd need the last 2 results, subtract oldest from newest which I think should get you how much the network interface is being utilized at that point in time.


    I found this which uses the formula:


    bps = ((poll2 -poll1)*8)/time_in_seconds_between_polls


    Which apparently will give a % utilization. Would you then add IN + OUT utilization to get a total utilization of the interface? Or is it better to leave them separate.

    Okay, that was a bit more straightforward than I thought it would be. This appears to set it up nicely and along with the labelling set to kb/s appears to show reasonably well what the overall speed is.


    from(bucket: "telegraf")
      |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "net" and r["_field"] == "bytes_sent" and r["host"] == "Tower")
      |> pivot(rowKey: ["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
      |> difference(columns: ["bytes_sent"])


    difference() takes the table of data and creates a new table, with each row now containing the difference between each selected value, from the bottom up.



  3. One of the things I'm trying to wrap my head around, is correct bandwidth utilization on a particular interface. bytes_sent and bytes_recv only list the total traffic on each interface. Thinking about it, you'd need the last 2 results, subtract oldest from newest which I think should get you how much the network interface is being utilized at that point in time.


    I found this which uses the formula:


    bps = ((poll2 -poll1)*8)/time_in_seconds_between_polls


    Which apparently will give a % utilization. Would you then add IN + OUT utilization to get a total utilization of the interface? Or is it better to leave them separate.

  4. 10 minutes ago, falconexe said:

    Yes, eventually it seems the UUD will need to be ported over to InfluxDB 2.0 since that is the direction things are heading. I haven’t even begun to look into this, so any insight, pros/cons would be very much appreciated.


    Everything I need personally works on the current Influx version, so I don’t have a need to upgrade. Anyone out there NEED InfluxDB 2.0 for any technical/particular reason?


    If it helps, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Only minor adjustments to telegraf.conf and Grafana dashboard settings required. The query language is not very intuitive, but InfluxDB has a nice query builder which helps a little. Now that I have some of the basics out of the way the other panels are a bit easier.

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