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Posts posted by Sanborn

  1. Very confused. Tonight I changed from Google Wifi (192.168.86.x) to a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro setup (192.168.1.x) and I cannot access binhex-plex.


    Clicking WebGUI in unRAID goes to the proper address of, and double checked that the container config has this WebGUI parameter:



    My other containers on .174:[port] are working properly.


    Getting this msg in container log:

    2023-08-25 23:43:31,634 INFO reaped unknown pid 14 (exit status 0)
    2023-08-25 23:43:31,824 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output:
    Failed to load preferences at /config/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml

    2023-08-25 23:43:32,825 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2023-08-25 23:43:33,824 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output:
    Failed to load preferences at /config/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml


    Related or unrelated?

    note: I checked this Preferences.xml file and it is 0 byte empty.


    Edit: It's fixed....uhm....how weird. I deleted that 0b Preferences file and restarted the container, and now it's OK. 

  2. On 7/18/2023 at 3:35 AM, ich777 said:

    @Sanborn can you share a bit more information about your system? Please also include your Diagnostics.

    I'm not aware of any issues in 6.12.x with the Nvidia Driver and transcoding in Plex.

    What kind of media do you transcode and what card do you have?
    Maybe the Nvidia Driver support thread is the correct place to continue this conversation.


    @binhex are you still on 6.11.5 or are you on 6.12.x?

    I sent it over to you in DM.


    I have a RTX 3080 (yes I know, mega overkill but had other aspirations) that I've been using the last year+ for transcoding video to HEVC to conserve space. Fileflows can properly see my GPU, so I know the card is working.

  3. 10 hours ago, binhex said:

    Interesting that i still don't get the issue, I am using a nVidia P2000, just kicked off a quick playback and sure enough its using HW transcoding:-


    For reference I'm running Unraid 6.11.5 with plugin NVIDIA Driver set to driver version 'latest: v535.54.03' 


    I am on 6.12.3, maybe its unRAID 6.12.x that is the issue?

  4. 19 hours ago, binhex said:


    its nothing to do with sabnzbd, openvpn has deprecated some of the options a while ago, it has now ended the deprecation and will now return an error if the option exists in your openvpn config file.


    not sure if you have the EXACT same issue as there was a ton of options removed, but for you @Sanborn look at your openvpn config file for 'keysize' and remove that line, it looks to be on line 20 i think.


    This fixed it, thanks!

  5. Today my server upgraded to SABnzbd.py-3.7.2 and now sabnzbd is unreachable. Log is just full of the attached image.


    I went to ExpressVPN site, downloaded new .ovpn file just to see if related, no change.

    Set VPN to No on sabnzbd container and it booted no issue.


    Seems there might be an issue with SABnzbd.py-3.7.2 ?



  6. Hi,


    I'm mining with T-Rex and a 3080 FE. I really need to keep my GPU fan at 90% to keep VRAM to an acceptable temp, but automatic fan control is keeping it 60-80%.


    How do I manually set fanspeed with unRAID CL?

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