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Posts posted by TimoVerbrugghe

  1. Ey ich777,


    Thanks for developing this docker container, have been happily using it for the past few months.


    However, recently hit an issue when trying to log into my google account through this container (see image below).

    Anything on the docker end that we need to change? Or is this just google blocking linux browsers again?




  2. @trurl yeah true, technically that's a solution but not an ideal one. I don't use the windows vm that much so quite a lot of overhead for a plex server. Additionally, i'm using plugins to backup the plex appdata folder which won't be applicable anymore... 


    So would rather have solution where I could switch between vm and docker... 

  3. Hi everybody,


    Have a little project going on here with some questions. Have only 1 graphics card (GTX 1060) in my unraid system and with the shortage, won't be able to buy a new one anytime soon.


    I use my unraid server both for a windows gaming vm with GPU passthrough AS using the plex docker with the nvidia driver for hardware transcoding. I know I can't do this at the same time. This is why by default, my graphics card is not bound to vfio-pci and it's being used by the plex container (I play around 1-2 times/week on my gaming vm)


    If I want to use it for gaming, I need to do the following (and ofcourse vice versa if I want to switch back to plex)


    1) Turn off autostart on my plex container and enable autostart on a "plex-nogpu" container (links to same appdata folder, has same config except no --runtime-nvidia and nvidia visible devices argument)

    2) Bind graphics card to VFIO-PCI

    3) Change CPU isolation to isolate 4 cores from my CPU for my VM

    4) Enable autostart on windows VM

    5) reboot my unraid server


    I'm wondering if there is any way that I can automate this process (with a user script f.e., or using an api or something). Have noticed that:


    - Binding of graphics cards is through vfio-pci.cfg on flash drive, so can write something to overwrite that file

    - Isolating cpus is through syslinux/syslinux.cfg 


    But autostart (for vm/docker) changes don't seem to affect the flash drive at all... so I'm wondering how unraid is storing this and keep it persistent across reboots?

    EDIT: even when manually creating a symlink in the /etc/libvirt/qemu/autostart folder to my windows xml file does not change the autostart status in the web gui...

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