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trurl last won the day on February 24

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About trurl

  • Birthday 12/26/1954


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    North Carolina
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Grand Master (14/14)




Community Answers

  1. Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread
  2. Without flash or flash backup you have no existing configuration. But the data on your existing disks should be OK. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/changing-the-flash-device/#what-to-do-if-you-have-no-backup-and-do-not-know-your-disk-assignments
  3. There is nothing for you to do. The explanation of the plugin is on your Plugins page. This happens automatically when you stop the array.
  4. Maybe GUID not unique? What brand flash drive?
  5. You can go directly to the correct support thread for this docker by clicking its icon in your Unraid webUI and selecting Support
  6. If you were running a correcting check when you had the large number of parity errors, then probably you have corrupted parity so rebuild will not be good.
  7. Any parity errors at all needs to be understood and not dismissed as "nothing too strange". The screenshot suggests you have configured scheduled parity checks to correct parity errors. Better to schedule checks to not correct. If errors are found, determine the cause. After eliminating the cause, then correct parity. You don't want to allow a bad disk or connection to corrupt parity. The small number of parity errors on previous checks could be due to unclean shutdowns, or possibly RAM.
  8. You can see how much of each disk or pool is used by each user share by clicking Compute... for the share on the User Shares page. Another advantage of having these off the array is it will allow array disks to spin down, since these files are always open.
  9. Assign as cache then you need to move appdata domains system shares to it. Nothing can move open files so you have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings.
  10. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your plugins by clicking its Support link on the Plugins page of your Unraid webUI.
  11. Maybe the GUID is not unique? What brand flash drive?
  12. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/shares/user-shares/#default-shares
  13. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/changing-the-flash-device/
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