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Everything posted by EVRE

  1. I just bought an ARC 310 to use in my media server (JellyFin) and was very surprised, given how long intel ARC cards have been out that they were not yet supported. Those that land here may find this useful..
  2. Thanks for the help. Not an obvious fix. A suggestion would be to build awareness into Unraid where the traffic originated. If local, stick with local ip, if from internet use unraid.net Loosing local access when internet connection goes down could be a significant problem. -Tevis
  3. My issue: I cannot access my Unraid server if I do not have internet beyond the /Main page. I followed Space Invader One's tutorial so I could backup my flash drive to Unraids Cloud. I type in it's address, it works, any other link goes to https://(Removed for privacy).unraid.net/(A Link) I have Signed Out of Unraid.net and rebooted but it still points to the unraid.net links instead of local ip links within unraid GUI. WHY?! why do this? How do I fix it? I DO NOT WANT my Unraid url links directing to Unraid.net. -Tevis.
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