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Posts posted by miker905

  1. 24 minutes ago, MorphiousGX said:

    @miker905 No sadly it didn't. So I am not sure if I had it setup right or not. So if you manage to get it to work, let me know what was your final setup. Thanks in advance. 

    Not around the house tonight to check, but are you running this on another machine as well?  Did you assign different tag/ID/workerName?  I don't think they can be the same (not 100% sure but i use different ones for each machine).

  2. 15 hours ago, MorphiousGX said:

    @miker905How did you get it to work? I pretty much did the same thing as you did, however I can see in the log things are running well, and I see my hash rates. But after 1 hour, still nothing showing up in my results page


    I got tied up and after I got it running I shut the docker down and didn't actually check for any results.  Did your results show up after a little longer?

  3. Tried Same error.  Pretty sure I will need that for Unminable as i'm not really mining DOGE.  Is there a way to find/show any log files so I can see what happens when the xmrig is run?


    Looking through docker.log and see this error:


    time="2021-04-28T16:21:43.848677945-07:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.37/containers/8fb45d098f31/start returned error: error gathering device information while adding custom device \"/dev/dri\": no such file or directory"



    Update.  Getting somewhere now.  Thanks for pointing in right direction.  I can start the docker now so I can at least get past the error and now i can tweak the parameters.  (Had to set the GPU device to /dev/null as I am only using CPU anyways).


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  4. Hi,


    I realize its a windows command line, I was just copying to show the parameters I use in windows.  When I attempt to do this in docker I get a "Execution Error" / "Server" error.  I assume it is because the way Unmineable needs to see the Wallet.  "DOGE:walletID.tag".  As you can see from the command line I don't specify a coin either with a command line. I am unable to find any details for the error that pops up when I start the docker.


    * I have just started using Unraid and am very much a newbie.








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  5. Quick question.  I run xmrig on a pc and thought I'd like to run it on the unraid server as well.  How would I pass the following command line through this docker image?


    xmrig.exe -o rx.unmineable.com:3333 -a rx -k -u DOGE:mywallet.mytag






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