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  1. This worked perfectly, thanks for the help!
  2. Thanks @Taddeusz, no hurry it's really a minor inconvenience. In this scenario where would be the correct location to add the plugin? As I mentioned if I add it to the extensions folder in the volume on appdata it is removed on container startup with a message about updating the plugin. Should I instead place it in the '/opt/guacamole/quickconnect/' location so the startup process finds it there? In this case it would disappear on container updates. I'm more than happy to just put the jar files in a mounted volume myself, the problem is more that during startup the container seems to remove any manually added extensions.
  3. Hey love the container thanks for putting it together. Problem: When i try and enable the quick connect extension using the "OPT_QUICKCONNECT: Y" option the plugin is not installed. The logs show the following : diff: can't stat '/opt/guacamole/quickconnect/*quickconnect*.jar': No such file or directory cp: can't stat '/opt/guacamole/quickconnect/*quickconnect*.jar': No such file or directory On investigating there is actually no quickconnect directory in /opt/guacamole/ If i attempt to put the jar in the extensions directory in appdata manually the containers startup script removes it. # ls /opt/guacamole/ DEPENDENCIES cas guacamole.war include ldap mysql postgresql saml share totp bin duo header json lib openid recordings sbin sqlserver
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