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Posts posted by Venumoro

  1. 4 hours ago, wgstarks said:

    This seems to be a problem with the app. I would suggest posting this in the Sonarr forum.

    Thanks for the suggestion, someone had just posted about this there too.


    Solution that's working for me so far is this command:

    cert-sync /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt



    This other command might also be necessary for it to be persistent but I'm not sure.

    chmod -R a+rX /usr/share/.mono


    Credit: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/error-with-unable-to-connect-to-indexer-check-the-log-for-more-details/30248/10


    EDIT 2:

    Never mind errors came back after a while. It appears the fix I posted was related to Synology.


    Edit 3:

    I'm an idiot, my issues were from something is wrong with my qbit proxy, after I disabled it in sonarr everything works fine.

  2. 23 hours ago, Venumoro said:


    I think I'm having this issue as well, every time I try to search a show I get a "Unable to communicate with SkyHook" from what I've found it looks like it's due to certificate(s) being out of date. I did some searching which led me to a TrueNAS forum post about it but the same steps won't fix the solution here.




    I tried it some more and it's working occasionally, I'll have to refresh the page and click the add show button sometimes 2 or 3 times and it'll eventually add. But then I look at my logs and they're filled with protocol errors where it's trying to refresh data on shows. So I have no clue what's wrong since it's working occasionally.

  3. 13 hours ago, Steve Ford said:

    I'm having issues getting my indexers to connect.  Everything was working fine and then within the last few days they have been unable to connect.  I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the new year, or not.  Sometimes I can get them to connect for a moment, but not long after they lose the connection.  I'm running the latest stable version of UnRaid, and the as far as I know, the latest version of Sonarr.  Any help would be appreciated. 




    I believe the is the relevant section of the logs:


    [v3.0.9.1549] System.Net.WebException: Error: ProtocolError: 'https://skyhook.sonarr.tv/v1/tvdb/shows/en/305574' ---> System.Net.WebException: Error: ProtocolError at System.Net.WebConnection.InitConnection (System.Net.WebOperation operation, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0015e] in /build/mono/src/mono/mcs/class/System/System.Net/WebConnection.cs:282 at System.Net.WebOperation.Run () [0x00052] in /build/mono/src/mono/mcs/class/System/System.Net/WebOperation.cs:268 at System.Net.WebCompletionSource`1[T].WaitForCompletion () [0x0008e] in /build/mono/src/mono/mcs/class/System/System.Net/WebCompletionSource.cs:111 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.RunWithTimeoutWorker[T] (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] workerTask, System.Int32 timeout, System.Action abort, System.Func`1[TResult] aborted, System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource cts) [0x000e8] in /build/mono/src/mono/mcs/class/System/System.Net/HttpWebRequest.cs:956 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0000f] in /build/mono/src/mono/mcs/class/System/System.Net/HttpWebRequest.cs:1218 at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.ManagedHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x00123] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\Dispatchers\ManagedHttpDispatcher.cs:81 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.ManagedHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x001c0] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\Dispatchers\ManagedHttpDispatcher.cs:107 at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.ExecuteRequest (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookieContainer) [0x00086] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:126 at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00008] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:59 at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00007] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:281 at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get[T] (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:286 at NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook.SkyHookProxy.GetSeriesInfo (System.Int32 tvdbSeriesId) [0x0003b] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\MetadataSource\SkyHook\SkyHookProxy.cs:50 at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.RefreshSeriesService.RefreshSeriesInfo (System.Int32 seriesId) [0x0002c] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\RefreshSeriesService.cs:63 at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.RefreshSeriesService.Execute (NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Commands.RefreshSeriesCommand message) [0x00122] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\RefreshSeriesService.cs:231


    I think I'm having this issue as well, every time I try to search a show I get a "Unable to communicate with SkyHook" from what I've found it looks like it's due to certificate(s) being out of date. I did some searching which led me to a TrueNAS forum post about it but the same steps won't fix the solution here.




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