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Everything posted by Venumoro

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, someone had just posted about this there too. Solution that's working for me so far is this command: cert-sync /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt EDIT: This other command might also be necessary for it to be persistent but I'm not sure. chmod -R a+rX /usr/share/.mono Credit: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/error-with-unable-to-connect-to-indexer-check-the-log-for-more-details/30248/10 EDIT 2: Never mind errors came back after a while. It appears the fix I posted was related to Synology. Edit 3: I'm an idiot, my issues were from something is wrong with my qbit proxy, after I disabled it in sonarr everything works fine.
  2. I tried it some more and it's working occasionally, I'll have to refresh the page and click the add show button sometimes 2 or 3 times and it'll eventually add. But then I look at my logs and they're filled with protocol errors where it's trying to refresh data on shows. So I have no clue what's wrong since it's working occasionally.
  3. I think I'm having this issue as well, every time I try to search a show I get a "Unable to communicate with SkyHook" from what I've found it looks like it's due to certificate(s) being out of date. I did some searching which led me to a TrueNAS forum post about it but the same steps won't fix the solution here. https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/sonarr-radarr-probably-other-arr-jails-unable-to-verify-ssl-certificates-after-latest-update.96008/
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