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Posts posted by Malixk

  1. On 7/14/2022 at 5:24 PM, guy.davis said:


    Fair enough.  Please troubleshoot the logs and then either create a Github Issue (with logs and screenshots) or drop details into the Machinaris Discord for a more interactive help session.


    EDIT: Try this fix for Machinaris v0.8.0 from inside the container:


    rm /root/.chia/machinaris/cache/cold_wallet_cache.json

    Thank you. your edit fix worked.

  2. 23 hours ago, DCcrypto said:

    Hello, I am having a hard time finding why my wallet is taking a long time to sync up. I am using the regular chia app at the moment to farm on another machined and it is working well. Node and wallet both synced up but in Machinaris the node is synced but the wallet seems to have stalled on me. I have port forwarding set up to port 8444 and the machinaris server. Can someone help me get this fixed up please. I was wondering if running the chia app on the network was stopping the wallet in Machinaris from syncing up?

    you can copy over the DB folder from the windows too machy. you can also add the windows node to machy via ip on the windows machine

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 hours ago, DaPedda said:

    Hello community, how does machinaris decide where to write the next plot to? I have entered two directories, let's call them plot6 and plot7. Machinaris mostly only wants to write to plot7. plot7 has more data than plot6.
    Greetings Peter

    Machy is just an new gui over some popular systems for chia. what realy does the plotting is plotman. my guess its puts new plots in the lowes line folder. You might want so read up on Archiving here




    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, hogfixer said:

    This is what I used:


    mkdir /tmp/ramdisk
    mount -t tmpfs -o size=115G tmpfs /tmp/ramdisk


    If Machinaris is running before you create the ram disk, you need to restart the Machinaris container, to make sure it picks it up correctly.


    You can console into the container and type "df -h" to verify paths, drive size, and how much room is available.


    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

    tmpfs           120G     0  120G   0% /plotting2



    everything is gold. just that error. any differences between mnt and tmp, other then location? Thanks.


    Also as a fot note, just moved my nvme (temp) to Unassigned Devices from pool devices, holy moly i went from 200+ min too 80 min. what the balls.

  5. 11 minutes ago, guy.davis said:


    That's interesting.  The Summary page is showing the output of "chia farm summary" and the Wallet page is showing the output of "chia wallet show". Please run those commands at the Machinaris Docker Console in Unraid.  Do they show the same discrepancy?  It sounds like, even with Chia binaries, the "farm summary" is lagging the "wallet show" for some reason.

    aha i see. the summary shows total chia farmed, not the chia in the wallet. so thats why. thats also why that one mojo from the faucet was missing too. maybe add that text Total chia "farmed"? thanks.

  6. Hi hallo. first, love the docker. one...two questions, any plan on makeing transactions page? no, biggi just thought of it when my second question came up, front page, coin info wont update after i sent some coins, witch i did in cli hence my first question. something i need to change or should i report it as an bug? Also, guess this is Chiadog bug, but it gave me a Cha-ching in the logs after i did an transaction from my wallet too gate.io, what a bummer when no coin came and i saw it happend at the same time as i did my transaction, lol.

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