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Posts posted by eroc1990

  1. Yup, usually you'd expect better performance. Unfortunately for me, that has not been the case.


    I've been up-to-date on the BIOS for a while, including prior to installing 6.12.x. I wish I could fix it by updating that.


    Oh well. I might just wind up manually downgrading back to the latest point release of 6.11 as a result of this.

  2. 3 hours ago, JorgeB said:
    Jul 18 16:12:23 ericServerPC kernel: ahci 0000:06:00.0: AHCI controller unavailable!


    Controller is having issues and it's dropping all connected devices, this is not that uncommon with Ryzen board, suggest using an add-on controller.

    Isn't it odd, though, that it's just suddenly happening? This would never happen on previous versions of UnRAID.

  3. I'm going to lead by stating that my UnRAID setup is not normal. I don't do pool/cache. UnRAID is basically a container/VM manager for me, with direct /mnt/disk# mappings for mounted volumes in Docker.


    Recently, I've been running into an issue where BTRFS will just crash on me out of the blue. My system is usually running anywhere between 60-80% memory usage, of which I have 32 GB.


    My Docker disk image is formatted BTRFS (was XFS for a while, recently changed after a similar XFS crash prompted a rebuild of the image file). Disk 1/2 are formatted XFS, and 3, 4, and 5 are BTRFS. It seems like there's no rhyme or reason to the crashes I've encountered. The server wasn't under excessive load, memory wasn't constrained beyond what I stated earlier. I'll just see my alerting from my VPS telling me stuff's down, and then I refresh and the system logs are filled with BTRFS read/write errors.


    Per Scrutiny, all disks in my server are healthy, so I don't think it's a drive issue. I haven't extensively tested my memory, but pre-6.12, I would have uptime in excess of 30-40 days between manual reboots, if needed, save for a random crash here or there due to me allocating more resources to something than I meant to.


    I've attached two diagnostics, one generated automatically when the issue occurred, and another I manually generated post-reboot. Any insight on how I can improve my server's stability would be greatly appreciated.

    ericserverpc-diagnostics-20230718-1621.zip ericserverpc-diagnostics-20230718-1638.zip

  4. On 5/15/2022 at 5:45 PM, mason1171 said:

    I cant get rutorrent-vpn or qbittorrent-vpn to run with the vpn enabled anymore. Rtorrent worked for a few days then all of a sudden stopped. Can I get some help please?

    You've got too many nameservers active. If the VPN service doesn't provide you with server addresses that work with this container, try some public one like Quad9 or, but make sure to delete the other IP addresses you aren't using.

  5. Anyone else having issues with the Binhex rtorrentvpn (or any of the Binhex <insert name here>vpn containers) suddenly being unable to resolve PIA? All of a sudden, traffic on my containers dropped to 0, and I've been receiving the following error:


    2021-11-07 02:41:10,532 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
    Error: error sending query: Could not send or receive, because of network error


    This always results in the container giving up and quitting its connection attempts.


    Is there anyone else that's been running into this kind of issue?


    EDIT to add: There have been no changes to my Internet service or network configuration. My PIA account is still valid and credentials are accurate.


    EDIT again to add: So it looks like, for some reason, the PIA DNS servers are not being appended to /etc/resolv.conf when my Binhex containers start. Can't figure out why not, as the containers are running privileged.

  6. You can do that by editing the file /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf and add the CHAP details there, but keep in mind you will have to do this on every reboot, will change that so that the file is located on the boot device so the config is persistent.

    Sounds good. I’ll hold off on implementing this until that’s been updated. I’m glad to see this is a thing now though, so thank you.
  7. Hey all,


    I've been running into a somewhat odd issue lately. I'm running Unraid 6.9.2 mainly as a Docker container host, but do utilize it for some file shares on my LAN.


    I have a QNAP TS-251+ acting as a storage backend for most of the larger data within my Docker containers, mounted as an SMB share through Unassigned Devices. These are both connected to my network via gigabit network connections.


    Without fail, at least once or twice a day, my server will completely power itself off without my instruction. There are no processes I'm running that would automate a shutdown of the server.


    I've attached a snippet of my syslog. I'm seeing a number of kernel trap messages that are formatted similar to the following:


    kernel: traps: lsof[32635] general protection fault ip:14f154227a9e sp:c1118279394e5048 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[14f154208000+16b000]


    I recently swapped out a 2GB RAM stick I had to 8GB to give myself 16GB total, so I initially thought that might have been the issue, but no matter what combination of RAM I try, it doesn't result in stability lasting for longer than a day.


    Has anyone else seen this issue before that might be able to point me in the right troubleshooting direction?



    new 1.txt


  8. Hi all,
    I previously made this post seeking assistance resolving an issue I had connecting to my unraid sever via SMB. While this still isn't working, I have made anew discovery and am hoping someone has run into this error before and can provide some guidance.

    I ran a packet capture w/ wireshark and saw that although my Windows 10 PC running 21H1 was sending SYN packets, the unraid server was only responding with RST/ACK instead of the expected SYN/ACK. It keeps requesting re-transmissions of those original packets, which ultimately winds up failing. Anyone have any ideas why  computer and my unraid server cannot establish a connection over SMS when my iPhone and iPad both can using the same SMS credentials?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who takes a crack at helping me with this issue!

  9. Somehow missed the password protected sharing toggle but even after I tried that nothing worked.


    Like I said the only case where it did actually work was when SMB1 was the only SMB protocol enabled, and I'd rather not drop support for SMB 2/3, since my Qnap NAS (per my configuration) requires a minimum SMB version of 2.1. Disabling anything after 1 would break the bulk of my SMB shares.

  10. Yup, and on top of that everything is already in the same workgroup. Even changed the workgroup across all of my relevant devices to something other than what it was originally (but still the same one across all my computer, Unraid server, and qnap NAS) and it changed nothing.

    The only time I was able to remotely navigate to it was when SMB1 was the only SMB protocol active, which is not a configuration I’m willing to keep.

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