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Posts posted by lars

  1. Apcupsd


    This is available as a plugin.  Not sure I see any benefit for this to be a docker container.

    No, this belongs in the unRAID host so it can shut down everything. Limetech has indicated that apcupsd and email notifications would eventually be part of the core product.

    that's where it should be and i hope it becomes reality with the next beta/ final v6.

    nough said - the plugin works, a docker for it seems even to me as docker-newbie overkill.


  2. just came across this thread rite now. since there was some demand for 2 port sata cards, i thought i put up my experience with IO Crest 2 Port SATA III PCI-Express x1 Card (SY-PEX40039) cards. using 2 of them at the moment. actually for nearly a year now. so far no probs at all - and for less than $20 a piece hard to beat. performance (not thoroughly tested) is completely ok for day to day use - i guess on parity checks etc. it could be better. but thats really not my main concern. have to watch the cash more, not the benchmarks on secondary issues.

    has a 4 of 5 stars from me. dropped them in, they work (better than expected), no probs with multiple ones....

  3. hi all,

    i consider myself halfway able to deal with the 'old' unraid and also most linux and win OS. anyway, the whole vm area was never an issue for me before. with other words, a complete new world ;)

    so, i am looking at the forum here (much of what gets discussed is way beyond me), try to read up on it......

    i wonder if any of the 'advanced vm users' here could write some kind of 'idiot' guide to get started with the whole xen vm thing under unraid. dont wanna bother tom with it, he as enough around his head with getting 6.0 going as a stable version.

    so basically sb who can explain in simple terms what to do to get it set up and running without getting lost in all the microdetail nerdy gibberish.

    i am sure i am not the only one looking at it like the horse at the new barn :)

    i get the basic idea and advantage myself. now, how do we make all that new 'goodness' as painfree as poss. happen?

    for some others it might be even an advantage to get some ideas explained why all that is great. as somebody mentioned before (maybe in another thread) - it is great to serve it to the ppl, explain why and how it is great.

    as i said, instead of detailed command lines etc, maybe some general advise and guidelines to get a basic vm set up (maybe forked into linux and win examples?)


    i try to solve the puzzle at the moment, reading here, on xen site, and other vm forums - i am sure for some ppl all that is a bigger mystery still than for me.


    cheers, L


    IronicBadger has already taken care of this for you. The following thread has everything you need - including YouTube video step by step guides:




    ohh! thx mate, guess sth i didnt get to sofar :). will go and take a look in there rite now!


    cheers, L


  4. hi all,

    i consider myself halfway able to deal with the 'old' unraid and also most linux and win OS. anyway, the whole vm area was never an issue for me before. with other words, a complete new world ;)

    so, i am looking at the forum here (much of what gets discussed is way beyond me), try to read up on it......

    i wonder if any of the 'advanced vm users' here could write some kind of 'idiot' guide to get started with the whole xen vm thing under unraid. dont wanna bother tom with it, he as enough around his head with getting 6.0 going as a stable version.

    so basically sb who can explain in simple terms what to do to get it set up and running without getting lost in all the microdetail nerdy gibberish.

    i am sure i am not the only one looking at it like the horse at the new barn :)

    i get the basic idea and advantage myself. now, how do we make all that new 'goodness' as painfree as poss. happen?

    for some others it might be even an advantage to get some ideas explained why all that is great. as somebody mentioned before (maybe in another thread) - it is great to serve it to the ppl, explain why and how it is great.

    as i said, instead of detailed command lines etc, maybe some general advise and guidelines to get a basic vm set up (maybe forked into linux and win examples?)


    i try to solve the puzzle at the moment, reading here, on xen site, and other vm forums - i am sure for some ppl all that is a bigger mystery still than for me.


    cheers, L

  5. hi m8,


    while i was not the mystery guy on the subsonic forum, i complained there multiple times about the same issue! i used subsonic before i got to unraid on several pc's (using win7, ubuntu in several editions) as well as, subsonic unraid plugin (original and the jangjong "fork" - which i prefer due to less probs/ more probs solved).

    my experience is in general (unraid/ non-unraid) that it updates all the files just fine - means, everything is actually accounted for after subsonic update. it just does not show as newly added files.

    by itself a major annoyance!

    so far, thats "subjective findings" without real hard evidence... it seems to show more results when i add less files at a time under recently added. it also seems to show files during the process (if you renew the window) which are later disappeared. at the same time you will notice drastic memory use changes - so i think thats part of the issue.

    now, i have a fairly big collection of music (about 630k files/ 9tb). my java memory is set to 2500mb, which seems absurdly high but works to the point that i dont have any out of memory errors anymore at this point. on the other hand it seems to crash subsonic with any higher settings (maybe you can shed some light on that?). i go to 2600mb  - result crash during update (i have plenty of ram, so there should be no shortage + running barely any other unraid apps - usually about 3gb plus of available ram).

    also, while we are at it, did you notice/ have the prob as well - that you cant update album covers in subsonic!? it finds them, you can go to the save process, but the whole procedure does jacksh*t?


    greets, L


    ps: if no more interest here, pm me - would like to keep in touch with ppl having the same issue for solutions!

  6. The 4220 is a better option in my opinion and the one that I use for my unRAID setup.

    i wouldn't argue that. just had never a chance to 'play' with one of them yet. also the the rpc-4224 looks liek a worthy contender, i just cant see the 4 additional bays really being worth a $100 more.

    one question about the rpc-4220 i have btw - does it support sata III?

    supposedly the 4020 does not, i never tried it. they would kill me at my jobsite if i start to experiment with the servers there LOL.

  7. while not a tower case, but a 4U server rackmount i would suggest looking at the Norco RPC-4020, a pretty awesome case offering nearly ideal specs to max unraid out (that's in number of hdd's).

    i never tried it (we have them mounted in server cabinets where i work), but i am sure you can also just place them in a tower-like fashion.

    now before you start yelling about the roughly $300 pricetag, consider the fact that you get 20 sata/ sas hot-swappable bays build in! plus another 2 3.5" fixed hdd cages (i would make that cache and parity). at about $90 for a 5in3 cage this baby paid alread for itself before you count in the case... a way to look at it.

    one thing that s*cks a bit are the 7 80mm fans - they are kind of loud. if your "tower" is located in the basement/ another room no problem (they are actually not as bad as many other server case fans), if not - you want to replace them with sth more quiet.

    otherwise, solid design (very solid, weighs in just under 50lbs empty LOL), lots of space and config options.


    a true contender to all the tower options. just do the math! between $50-100 for the tower case, another $90+ per 5in3 cage....



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