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Posts posted by Belcraig

  1. Hi guys,


    not sure where to star this one...

    I'm running unraid Vs 6.12.6, 

    I've got a vm that is mounted on a m.2 drive as an unassigned device - not in the domains section. (WD Blue SA510 - read speed 560, write speed 510)

    The unraid MB is a S2600CWR.


    I recently was fixing one of my kids computer (hardwared) and i copied some of the downloaded software back onto the server and noticed that it tranferred quickly. i ran a quick iperf to find his PC was getting scores in the region of 90 MB transfer and 900+ bandwidth.


    I went back to the VM and ran iperf 16MB transfer  140 Bandwidth, with the vm on a disk in the machine shouli not be getting faster speeds than this?

    The network proprties has a transmit/recieve speed of 10/10(Gbps).

    Even the laptop i'm on now on a wireless network is reporting 34 Transfer rate and 305Mbits/s.


    I've gone through a few options like increasing the packet size etc.. was wondering if there was something i'm missing within the VM settings that might be the issue - I've tried reseating the M.2 drive.


    Thanks for any help in advance

  2. For anyone else running though this and struggling like i did, here are the Basic errors i made spelt out. in the hope it will help someone, or me if i ever need to go though this again in the future.

    After spending several hours going through this forum and some home assistant ones - i undid everyting and restarted from scrach and found a basic error/assumption i had made on unraid that solved my issue.


    I updated the conbee 2 firmware folling this - Conbee Firmware update

    (this is the only change i didn't roll back.)


    i plugged the conbee stick into a USB extension cable (2m) and moved it away from other elecrtical devices.



    in USB Manager - this is were my basic mistake happened...




    i mapped the device NOT the port by clicking on the monitor not the usb symbol. -previously i was mapping the port instead of the device.


    Made sure connect as serial only was selected, powered up the VM. USB manager showed "connected(Serial).


    in HA: Version 2023.10.3 latest at time of writing.

    HA Did not detect the conbee stick as being connected - attaching the via the port It was detecting it. - but failing


    Settings --> System --> Hardware -->all Harware.


    the stick now shows as


    dont exactly know why but hey ho..



    going back to device and services and adding the integration Zigbee home automation, and follwoing the promts set a new network up for me without any problems.


    Hope this helps someone or future me...






  3. hi guys, i update my graphics driver on My VM, and when rebooting windows was flashing, i couldn't get into uninstall/roll back the driver.


    i use "GitHub - danioj/unraid-autovmbackup: automatically backup kvm virtual machines and configuration" to do a weekly back up of my system so i thought easy way out just restore last weeks back up.


    I copied last weeks Vdisk image to the folder - (renamed the V-disk as it have a date stamp) and started the VM.

    the screens are black and not coming on.


    i restarted the VM and removed the pass through graphics card. and the system boots fine into VNC.

    however re-adding the graphics card (AMD) produced the following error in the logs.


    2023-09-23T22:14:51.260475Z qemu-system-x86_64: kvm_set_user_memory_region: KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION failed, slot=7, start=0xc804300000000000, size=0x200000000: Invalid argument
    kvm_set_phys_mem: error registering slot: Invalid argument


    googling tells me

    If you get this crash after booting macOS in KVM with AMD GPU passthrough you'll need to disable Above 4GB decoding on your BIOS/UEFI Setup


    although its not a macOS i'm booting into i thought that this might help me


    When i boot into the bios i dont see an option for this...


    Anyone able to offer any help please.


    thanks in advance.



  4. tidying up my VM'S and i accidently deleted my main VM. (thought i'd named it differently) anyway. not too bad i use squids user script to make weekly backup and the data is on the array so no great loss..


    Copied the vdisk back to the share where it should be, renamed it to remove the date for the back up. tried to boot the vm and i get the following error.

    rebooted the server and copied the XML file over again, but i'm still getting the following. Any advise on what i should be doing to fix this?



  5. Hi All,

    Hoping someone can help me dignose and solve an issue.


    I recently updated my sons computer and as a result he got a new graphics card. i took the old graphics card out of his system and thought i would update the graphics card in unraid that i use from my win 10 VM.


    Currently there is an Nvidea k5000, and the card i want to replace it with is an AMD 6600 XT.

    I powered down the server swapped out the card and restarted the server, however, unraid now restarts itself after 4 mins of uptime. - the VM is not running, I've bearly had time to get into the settings of the VM to edit them so i know it cannot be the VM settings.


    the card works fine my my sons rig with a 450W PSU so i know the card isn't a problem. According to several online PSU calculators i need 650W psu and in the server are two (switchable) 750W (80 platimum) PSU's. with 100W head room and 80 platinum. without taxing the card i'm finding it hard to believe that its either of the PSU's.


    Can anyone make any sygesstions at all?




  6. HI all,

    I've got a VM working well passing through a Nvidia k5000 card, works good enough that it has replaced my main PC.


    I've been trying to get a second VM working, I've set it all up and have it working fine with VNC.

    The VM is to run on our tv, for plex and photos and eventually zoom etc...

    I got a GT710 card as it only takes up one slot space on my motherboard. 

    I've followed the same instructions from Spaceinvader for passing through the GPU, (editing the vbios from tech powerup, adding a line in XML for multifunction and placing the graphics and sound on the same slot)

    However, when i boot the VM i am clearly having some graphics issues, the display has lots of Horizontal lines over it, that makes it unusable.

    I've tried the MSI GT710 V-bios <-- my card and i've also tried a zotec GT710 card Vbios, both have the same issue.


    Motherboard is s2600CWR, and according to the manual I've plugged it into a PCIe x16 (CPU2) - i've even assigned cores from CPU 2 incase this improved it.

    I've updated the drivers on the VM using the geforce experiance program.


    I've plugged the card:

    into a TV via HDMI

    into a monitor using DVI,


    both have the same result.


    I'm now out of ideas,


    can anyone offer suggestions?




  7. Thanks Simon,

    Sorry didn't get time to make last adjustments.

    I changed the USB Setting to 3.0 (qemu XHCI) but the VM then seemed to stall every couple of minutes for a few minutes with the VM showing 10 out of the 12 threads maxed out. However there was also a windows update applied at the same time. so I turned it back to 2.0 and everything worked as it was before so I assumed it wasn't the update causing it to stall. I just tried the 3.0 nec XHCI version out of curiosity and forgot to assign the usb in the settings. However i added it via the usb manager and it attached and seams to be working fine.


    So I figure the problem was I have too Many USB Attached, and changing to 3.0 solved it. For anyone who might be having a Similar problem, 


    thanks for your help.


    • Like 1
  8. can't see the whole error _ possible bug i need to move the screen to the right, but moveing the mouse means there is no role over, so i dont need to move anymore? using keys to move the screen means hte mouse isn't over the error and so no role over and thus no need to move the screen to the right... 


    however what i can read is in pic, ill try the USB change as i didn't realise the USB Setting in the VM...

    USB Error.jpg

  9. output from lsUSB

    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:8002 Intel Corp. 
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:800a Intel Corp. 
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0424:5537 Standard Microsystems Corp. USB5537B
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 013: ID 045e:082c Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard
    Bus 003 Device 011: ID 046d:c07e Logitech, Inc. G402 Gaming Mouse
    Bus 003 Device 010: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. Hub
    Bus 003 Device 008: ID 1a40:0201 Terminus Technology Inc. FE 2.1 7-port Hub
    Bus 003 Device 007: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit
    Bus 003 Device 014: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
    Bus 003 Device 005: ID 0781:5575 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Glide
    Bus 003 Device 003: ID 04c5:114f Fujitsu, Ltd 
    Bus 003 Device 012: ID 046b:ff10 American Megatrends, Inc. Virtual Keyboard and Mouse
    Bus 003 Device 009: ID 051d:0002 American Power Conversion Uninterruptible Power Supply
    Bus 003 Device 006: ID 04d8:0b2a Microchip Technology, Inc. U2717D_0B2A_15091601
    Bus 003 Device 004: ID 046d:0825 Logitech, Inc. Webcam C270
    Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0424:2137 Standard Microsystems Corp. USB2137B
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub


    using USB manager plugin gives a Virsh Error

  10. HI All,


    Moved to unraid a while ago. have set it up and is Working well.

    Well enough that I moved my main gaming PC to a VM in unraid, including GPU pass though - again working well.

    I've setup a second VM and while I was physically installing another gpu, I also added a sandisk cruzer fit drive (fresh drive straight out of packet) to in the internal on board USB, as i thought i might be able to save some time by installing unraid on this drive with a licence and then just copying the files from the "old" trial drive across.

    idea in my head being turn off the server, unplug old drive, turn on the server, and unraid is now running as expected on the new drive but now licenced....


    however, the first step in this has stumped me and the search terms I am using don't seem to be giving me the answers I'm after. 


    Question: how can I see the drive in my VM? what easy step have I overlooked?



    I can see the drive in unraid (6.9.2). I've edited the VM so the drive is included in the USB devices. but after turning on the vm. the drive isn't appearing. So i cant even start the process.


    all the solutions i found talk about passing through the usb contoller...

    I can't pass the USB controller through as all the usb ports on the server seem to be placed under the same physical bus. - i think from reading around i need to look into editing the bios to alter this as i should have 4 buses according to info.

    Can someone please link me to a place where i tutorial where i can add the usb drive to the VM (not the bios thing)

  11. Parity has finished rebuilding and a restart later, and the VM's are still not showing up. Anyone able to help on how to get the VM back and the dockers?


    EDIT: I recreated the VM's with the exact name as before and when they booted they booted into the old VM, just the inital settings |( on the VM page were all I needed to alter.


    many thanks


  12. Thanks Squid, ill look into flashing the controllers, they are this way as its the condition that I received the Server, I didn't realise there were multimodes for them..., I've re-seated the drives and the cables,

    and the parity is reading/rebuilding (estimated 1day 6hrs!!)


    The VM's are the concern?  the parity is now emulated (I assume while they are being rebuilt),

    However, why would the VM's which are on the "Cache - prefer" (hence not backed to the parity) still not be showing and hence allowing me to use them?

    how would i get these back, are is the assumption that once the parity is re-built then these will just start working?


    having a drive down like this, is a big Issue, as I'm thinking of ditching the hardware PC to be replaced by a VM


  13. New to Unraid so please bear with me...

    I am using Unraid 6.9.2 Trail version at the moment,

    Got an old server work was throwing out. Moving from a Windows 10 machine using storages spaces (dedicated to storage/running media servers) to Unraid.

    1 12TB parity drive and (originally 1 2TB and 1 4TB) disks, with a 1TB SSD Cache.


    I use it to store all my files, and I've played with (and successfully set up 2 dockers - logitech media server and a plex media server both were working well.


    I also set up a VM and that was working well. - to remove my main PC, including GPU passthrough.

    So I was happy it was working correctly.


    I started an overnight transfer of my data from my old (win 10 -server) computer to unraid, and didn't calculate it properly and it filled the two disks I had in to 100%. I added a third disk the next day (4 TB) and then my first disk showed an X and was disabled. The VM's and dockers were working fine.

    After reading the forums a simple stop-unassigned-start stop-assign-start, fixed the problem with the disks but I noticed that the VM and the dockers were missing. I presumed that while the disk are being rebuilt a simple restart might fix this.

    Once finished, the VM's were still missing so I restarted the Machine. and they still did not appear. While i was thinking on this problem i added a 4th disk (3TB).

    I couldn't find a problem explaining what was my problem so I restarted the system once more.

    Now my Parity drive is showing an X. so I've started a rebuild of this...



    However the more i read the more i think that these drive issues are separate to the VM issue.


    The domains share is set to Cache-Prefer, so it shouldn't be touching the disks other than to write to the shares, Once the systems are loaded should they?

    I can see the VM image file in the share.


    Can anyone point me in the direction I should be looking in please. I've attached the diagnostics log.


    thanks for any help in advance.




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