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Posts posted by VampyreGTX

  1. Ok, I'm trying to setup a server for Squad. I assume I do have to have a steam ID/PW, without steamguard, for this correct? Also, what do I set as the parameters? Does anything have to be changed/added in the parameters? Finally, how do I access the admin/setup for the actual server? (Is there a cheatsheet on all this, like what ports to forward, etc?) 

  2. Okay, forgive me since I'm a noob to dockers and such. I can get this installed (got Plex media server installed and running) but I cannot get past the unable to write to the directory error. I'm sure I'm not setting the initial setting correctly or something. 

  3. My upgraded unRaid build is below. I'm looking at using the VM capabilities of unRaid to use the server as my streaming PC. I would game on the PC and XBox and use a capture card (or external hardware like the Razer Ripsaw HD) and the unRaid server to stream it to Mixer (Streamlabs OBS is the streaming software). 


    Does anyone have experience with this, anything additional I need hardware wise (see sig for specs), etc. I'm a 100% noob to VM's as well so I have no idea where/how to start.

  4. Ok, got my server rebuilt, parity run, able to access the GUI and see the shares on my computer; however, I cannot access any of the subfolders in the shares due to a Network error.

    "Windows cannot access\\TOWER\Movies\xxxxx

    You do not have permission to access \\TOWER\Movies\xxxxx. Contact your network administrator to request access."

    All shares are set to public under SMB Security Settings. I also do not see //Tower under my Network in windows explorer. I moved from 4.7 (I think it was) to 6.6.7. So not sure if there's other settings I need to change.


    Both my PC and the unRaid server are on WORKGROUP. The server is set as the workgroup master; however, I do see that my netgear router is also a workgroup master. I have all the readyshare options disabled, and the USB port disabled on the router, but can't get the readyshare to shut off. Not sure if that is playing a role. It's only the subfolders I can't access. I can access \\TOWER\Movies, but not \\TOWER\Movies\xxxxx



  5. So, to add, the server would also be about 10' away from the main gaming rig with the KB/M wireless connections and a longer HDMI cable for the smaller monitor. I'm assuming I would need to run Windows in VM in order to run the game stream via capture card and also a video cam input. 


    For Plex, I don't imagine running 4k transcoding for at least another 1-2 years, and won't have more then 2 concurrent streams (95% of the time probably just 1). 


    Hopefully this helps narrow it down a bit. I've been looking at a lot of threads, and it seems that the builds are all over the place. 

  6. So I've had issues booting back into my unRaid since attempting to move from 4.7 to 6.x, seems my MoBo no longer wants to boot from USB (only USB 2.0, flash drive is good). My current build is in my sig. I originally built unRaid for simply a NAS for movies and music. I want to now build a new unRaid system to allow for the same storage, video and music streaming to any device in the house, as well as video capture and game streaming to services like Twitch and Mixer (gaming would be on my gaming PC or XB1 and captured and streamed via the server.) 


    I know I'll have to replace just about every component, so what would be the recommendations? I obviously don't need a heavy gaming CPU/GPU but still not sure what's needed in the media server side in terms of transcoding etc. 


    If you guys need additional info, ask, and I'll reply as soon as I can. Trying to keep it reasonably priced as well. 

  7. I've adjusted the Go Script as noted my Pan!c, however, the server still doesn't automatically go into s3 sleep.  Like I've said, I've confirmed it will if I manually enter the sleep command; however, not with the script that was created by AGW (i think it was).  I still have those 3 drives outside of the array, not mounted.  Could they be causing it from going to sleep?  Do arrays not added into the array spindown automatically?  I'll be getting the pro license tomorrow so I will be able to test it again then when I add those 3 to the array, but trying to find any other reasons. 

  8. pan!c, thanks! I'll adjust the Go script tomorrow when I get off Shift.  If I wanted to run the script manually, from the telnet, how do I do that?  Just navigate to the directory it's saved in and type s3.sh?  Or so I have to enter another command to execute it first?  I'm new to linux so this board has been a great source fo information as I learn it.  I still have some cmd line knowledge from my old DOS days, but that's about it. 

  9. I've run the script that's been posted up here, but the system never shut down overnight.  I confirmed sleep to s3 works on my mobo, the gigabyte ga-ma785g-ud3h and I can wake it with the wolcmd packet. I do have 3 WDC 1TB drives added to the system but not in the array.  I currently only have the free license at the moment and plan on having the full within the next week.  Could it be that the script cannot verify those drives have no activity since they're not in the array or something?  Not sure why the script never kicked in overnight. 


    Also, where exactly do I place it in my go script?  Do I set the Go script to navigate to the directy I put it in and then just type in the file name?  I have mine in /boot/script

    so I entered cd /boot/script and on the next line s3.sh (the script file).  Is that correct?  I entered this at the end of the go script.  I haven't tested that the go script works yet, as I ran the script command from telnet. 

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