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Everything posted by jbssm

  1. Hi all. First of all, I am just getting started with UnRaid and so far I am pleasantly surprised and really liking it. Having said this, I can't understand why I need a vBios dump to make my GTX 1080 Ti work with UnRaid, when with Proxmox it worked just fine without it. I put off using the vBios because I though that was just outdated info, and, having failed for a long time to get the GPU passthrough working, I finally understood it only works with the vBios. Why is this? Any technical explanation since both UnRaid and proxmox use KVM for the hypervisor?
  2. Thank you, this seems to have been the issue: pausing the parity is not enough, I needed to unassign it. Now the read/write speed is proper once more.
  3. Hi and thank you. What diagnostics are you talking about? The rsync command is: `rsync -ah --info=progress2 originFolder /mnt/user/media` The media folder in question is a share without any cache drive assigned.
  4. I installed unRaid yesterday, and despite its very nice features, it is extremely slow when compared both with Proxmox and TrueNAS on the exact same system. I am copying my files from another drive, mounted on unRaid, where I have the backup from my old install, to my unRaid array with rsync, and I am getting speeds of 50 MB/s Results with XFS and BTRFS are mostly the same (I reformatted my array to see if that was the problem). Parity drive is deactivated Speeds both on Proxmox and TrueNAS (only with 2 cores active) for the same system, where between 150 to 180 MB/s As you can see, DiskTest results done on UnRAID show a top speed between 200 MB/s to 100 MB/s So, what is going on here? Disks seem to read just fine, so why it's so slow to copy data between disks on UnRaid when it's not with other OSs?
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