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Posts posted by csard

  1. Hey mikeyosm,


    I'm looking for the same. Recently bought two P4s and I would like to use it for 4 VMs. I saw a great tutorial from craftcomputing to do this on Proxmox with M40s but I'm not knowledged enough to translate the tutorial to unraid (if even possible).

    Link to the tutorial: 


    Please let me know if you found somthing on this topic!

  2. Hi fellow unRaiders,


    Hope I post into the right category. ^_^ I recently bought a HP Smart Array P440 RAID card (in HBA mode) that I want to use in my HP ML150 G9 server to pass some SSD-s to a TrueNAS VM.


    My issue is that when I boot up unRaid WITHOUT the P440 bount to vfio than everything works fine, unraid sees the card and the attached SSDs (through 8x SFF backplain), but when I go to setting, select the card and reboot the system after unRaid loads, the server just stops working:

    - fans go to 100%

    - iLo shows a "PCI bus error"

    - I can click around in the unRaid UI, but can't do much

    - sometimes I can start the array, but VMs and Docker containers stop automatically

    - if I try shut down the system I can see that unRaid unmounts the filesystem, but the server never stops


    I also have a HP P822 that I use for an external HDD shelf and that works like a charm.


    I've tried some basic troubleshooting steps: updated unraid (to 6.11.1), bios and raid card firmware (v2.92 and 7.0). I might get access to a similar server in the next weeks (in order to eliminate misc mb issues), but it is not garateed. In the mentime maybe some of you have an idea what to do.


    Please let me know if somebody has any idea what should I try to configure. Thanks in advance!


  3. Hi Eveyone,


    I would like to ask for some guidence regarding my plans to upgrade my Unraid server and storage solution.


    The current situation:


    I have a Dell R720 with 2x E5-2665, 112 GB RAM, 16x SFF bays with 9x 1Tb SAS 10k (2 as parity) spinnig rust. I'm using my unraid box to run some VM's (eg. HAS, pfSense) and containers (eg. Plex) and to store my data (eg. docs, pictures, ISOs).


    The reason for upgrade:

    Right now I have enough space to store my data, but I would like to add some more storage capacity to my server. I would like to store security cam footage on my server, create my own cloud and play with iSCSI and boot from network (to remove all HDD-s from my computers around my house).

    Best case I could upgrade to 16x 1 Tb (-2 Tb parity) but finding SAS drives (in good price and quality) is hard in my country (I'm from Hungary, usually VAT+shipping is to damn high, if somebody have a good goto place I'm open for it :) ).

    For this reason I'm thinking to replace the 2.5" SAS drives with 3.5" SATA, but for this I would need a new server or a disk enclosure. Finding good used/refurbished servers (again) not an easy option, but recently I found this: https://www.bargainhardware.co.uk/hp-storevirutal-3200-12-lff-configure-to-order-39657

    Since I don't have any FC my knowledge stops here.

    I also looked for an FC HBA: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184000731329


    The plan:

    I would like to passthrough the HBA card to a VM (FreeNAS probably, to have iSCSI target support) and configure the storage array.



    * First of all would this make any sense? Do you have any better idea  how to solve my problems in a cheaper/better way?

    * How can I connect the Dell server and the HP storage array? Should I use all 4 ports on the 2 controller from the HP side or the two controller only serves rendundancy (aka no performance benefit) or should I use the 6G SAS connection with a different HBA (also the question here, should I use both of them or just one?

    * Is there any difference between the FC HBA mentioned above and this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275047415257?epid=16020339509 (I see it has an SFP connection) Can I use something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/274950964835 and https://www.ebay.com/itm/255188333783?var=555181099332 I guess I need to use the first module for the HP controller FC connection as well.


    Thank you very much for reading throug all of this. :) Of course I don't ask to solve all of my problems, but if you have some good advice, tutorial or learning material how to configure something like this (or just part of it) I would appriciate it.


    Thanks again!




  4. Hey everyone,


    I had a similar issue. I'm using a DELL R720 with a Broadcom quad NIC. For some reason only two of the four NICs was present in the pfSense VM, but all for was present in other (Windows, Ubuntu) VMs. I've tried everything mentioned in this thread but I couldn't solved the problem. Let me document my issue then provide a solution:


    Unraid: v6.9.2

    pfSense: v2.5.1


    My NICs and IOMMU groups:



    The solution was to modify the the XML of my VM the following way:

    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <alias name='hostdev0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
      <alias name='hostdev1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <alias name='hostdev2'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
      <alias name='hostdev3'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>


    Please note: for the first two hostdev entry I use the same domain-bus-slot combination with a different function id and added the multifunction property. For the next two NIC I did the same but with a differet bus id.


    Hope this will help somebody, I spent some days to figure it out. :)


    If somebody could tell WHY this helped it would be appreciated, because I'm an Unraid noob, and I would like to learn. :)


    Best regards,


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