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Everything posted by Sandman416

  1. I got a fresh copy of go and moved it over. That didn't make a difference. I noticed when attempting to retry the UI connection it flashed very quickly something that looked like "go back (recommended)". I changed the connect request from https to http and I go my log in page. So I am going to call that a win. Thank you.
  2. DIags from the system. tower-diagnostics-20220818-1820.zip
  3. So I finally got around to moving the drives into the new case. I upgraded to a 12th gen I5 due to price. I can ssh and sftp to it but the UI is not available. Plex came up and diskspeed came up so it is working. Just no UI.
  4. My current BIOS is pre UEFI. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this but I am just covering my bases to be sure I won't have an unexpected issue.
  5. I am finally able to move forward with upgrading the hardware that my Unraid runs on. I have been running this I5-2500K for a while and feel it is finally time to move up. Changing to an Intel I7, new motherboard, memory and new power supply should be easy enough. I am worried that the BIOS method for hard drive identification has changed. The current system is using the old method and I doubt a new motherboard still supports it. Should I expect any issues? I am planning on getting a new external drive and copying the data to it just to have a backup. Currently it is only a file server and Plex host. No VMs at the current time. Should I upgrade from 6.9.2 before or after the hardware upgrade? Thanks in advance. Arthur
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