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Posts posted by Eazyeeee

  1. Hey! I am having issues with it detecting my roms. My file structure seems to be correct because it detects the platforms it is in, but not the roms itself.
    for example:
    It detects the Xbox 360 folder and knows what platform it is in, but not the ROM, Lollipop Chainsaw.
    Is there any troubleshooting steps I am not picking up?

  2. Hey guys

    So I am following space invader's tutorial on how to set up a next cloud. My cloudflare settings is the exact same as his (obviously with my domain) and I checked my cloudflare API, email, and what not for swag. I used DuckDNS to link my IP address to the duckdns and for some reason  at first it refused to connect. I get an error like "This site can’t be reached nextcloud.**********.org refused to connect" at first. Now for some reason it just pulls up my unraid web gui on that exact domain. (this happened as I was typing this, ironically)
    what am I doing wrong? I am redacting lot of my info for privacy reasons but i am simply baffled.

    Swag is on the custom "swag" network, nextcloud is on it too as well as duckdns

  3. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    Normally, the Unraid webUI is using 80 and 443.


    You need to map those container ports to unused host ports.

    even if HTTPS port is always 443?
    I had this to work long time ago but abandoned SWAG for a bit. When I tried to set this up, some reason it won't allow me to do so.

  4. Hey guys. I am trying to utilize my server as my personal cloud storage. The issue atm is trying to figure out what is using Port 443. When doing lsof -i :443, it just shows below (bestest is the name of my personal desktop)

    root@Prometheus:~# lsof -i :443
    nginx   2058 root   10u  IPv4   10738      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
    nginx   2058 root   11u  IPv6   10739      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
    nginx   2059 root    4u  IPv4 8875466      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57788 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   10u  IPv4   10738      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
    nginx   2059 root   11u  IPv6   10739      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
    nginx   2059 root   19u  IPv4 8877249      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57793 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   20u  IPv4 8868860      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57721 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   21u  IPv4 8884254      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57853 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   22u  IPv4 8877334      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57801 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   23u  IPv4 8877246      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57792 (ESTABLISHED)
    nginx   2059 root   24u  IPv4 8883640      0t0  TCP>BESTEST.local:57876 (ESTABLISHED)

    The error is posted in picture below.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  5. On 9/1/2021 at 12:19 PM, ich777 said:

    Just append this to your GAME_PARAMS in the Docker template (well change YOURSERVERNAME with your server name):



    After doing this, this changed my map from a workshop map called California to PEI. What am I doing wrong?
    here is my Config file

    cheats enabled
    owner (mysteamID. didn't think I need to share this)
    loadout 255/15/15/81/81/18/20/20/121
    map California
    password youregay
    perspective both
    welcome balls
    log yes

    startup commands

    -california -normal -sync -pve +InternetServer/Unturned


    also I noticed it creates another file for the server. It was using Default in appdata/Unturned/Servers but now it created a new one called UV6J83~V


  6. I am tryna host a unturned server.

    for some reason I keep getting this message. Running standalone dedicated server, but launch arguments were not specified on the command-line. Defaulting to Default LAN. Valid command-line dedicated server launch arguments are: +InternetServer/{ID} +LANServer/{ID}
    I tried fixing it in ExampleServer.sh but it keeps changing it back to +LANServer/example and sends the same message. what do i do?

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