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Posts posted by offroadnut

  1. Itimpi,


    Again thank you for taking the time to help me with this. Sorry for the stupid question but I thought I set the appdata to mnt/plex_cache/ (which is what I named the plex SSD) as it shows in the picture, is this wrong? If so how do I fix it, still learning Linux and writing everything correctly in it.

  2. Kdwg,


    Thank you for the reply, I apologies for the questions but I'm still new to Unraid and anything not windows, my friend helped me set up this server and I don't know how to fix those errors? does this screen shot help at all? Again greatly appreciate your assistance

    Screenshot from 2022-08-07 10-18-10.png

  3. Looking for help understanding why unraid is creating new shares that appear to be empty, I did not create them. Can they be deleted? Server has been running pretty smooth and have been hesitant on upgrading versions, any help greatly appreciated.


    Unraid Specs


    Supermicro C7Z97-MF w/ Intel® Core™ i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

    2x 12TB WD chucked(Parity) 4x 8 TB WD Shucked

    LSI 9211-9i SAS card

    2x 500 GB WD Blue SSD cache/plex cache

    Intel I210 gigabit network card



  4. So I thought I might have had this fixed but apparently not. I ran it a few days with all dockers deleted making it just a NAS. I was able to use VLC to watch my movies, no freezes or lock ups the few days like this. then i installed one docker, PiHole. it ran for a few days with no issues. Earlier today I installed binhex plex using default docker settings, while setting up the library the server froze up. couldn't even access it via IPMI. Not sure what happened, I looked at the attached logs but i'm not sure what i'm looking at with this stuff. Any help greatly appreciated.

    syslog(6) offroadnut-diagnostics-20211008-1527.zip

  5. Thank you, I will run it safe with all Dockers and VMs off and see what happens. It froze early this morning again. The Motherboard, PSU, and Memory were all new, CPU is used but we have pulled it and checked pins, it was working fine before he gave it to me. Unfortunately this was my first build of a computer (had help from friend) so I don't have spare parts to through at it. I restarted my freenas box so at least i'll have plex and live tv till this gets fixed.

    offroadnut-diagnostics-20211003-0749.zip syslog(5)

  6. Woke up this morning to my server frozen and unresponsive again after only back on for a day and half. I had ran memtest and no errors were found all pass. Getting frustrated with this, my old freenas box is still running no issues. I really like the Unraid system but wondering if I made a mistake in buying these parts and building Unraid server if it can't be reliable. Mew Logs attached, hopefully there is something in them, any help greatly appreciated.

    offroadnut-diagnostics-20211002-0659.zip syslog(3)

  7. So server froze up again this morning and had to reset the power, need to figure this out. I do not have any spare parts to swap out, all parts were bought and used in the build. I can run a mem test although I don't think it is that. The initial unraid version I bought was 6.9.2, being new to building computers I don't know how to change version to 6.8.3


  8. My Unraid server which is basic has been put together for just over two months and I have been fighting several issues, I finally got the MB temp alarm to stop hitting 100 deg by replacing tape under heat sinks and adding fans and getting through preclear with out locking up the server. Now the last issue is the server randomly locks up or freezes, this happens random times, people on plex or not. I've removed all dockers and reinstalled different dockers (Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, SAB, Pi Hole, Unifi Controller) and still does it I'm pulling my hair out and not sure what to do. Any assistance is greatly appreciated


    Fractal node 804

    Supermicro C7Z97-M-O Motherboard

    Intel Core I7 4790K CPU

    Corsair Vengence 1600 MH memory 32GB 4x8

    EVGA 650SF power supply

    4 WD shucked 8TB drives

    2 WD Blue SSD drives 500GB (cache and Plex Cache)


  9. I'm not sure if solved or not, as of right now this past thursday when I restarted the server I only selected two disks to preclear versus all 4 8tb drives, since then it has been up and running. But since I don't know what caused it to lock up I don't trust it. Can anyone look at the last log I posted on thursday and see what the problem may be? Right now it is finishing up reading the last disk, the other 3 precleared fine.

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