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Posts posted by offroadnut

  1. First time building a server (learning computers) with help from a friend, we built it at his house and we had problems getting the computer to boot before installing the Unraid flash drive. When i took it home two days ago, i pulled the battery on the MB, cleared CMOS per supermicro instructions and restarted it and it booted to the bios. I assumed I was good to go, I made and installed the unraid flash drive using the creator tool and started it up and it booted up unraid. Now on to my problem, for the first 15 min or so I was in the webui just going through basic settings based off spaceinvader suggestions and starting preclear my disks, I clicked back to main tab and my browser reloaded and said could not connect to site. Tried reloading the site ( I have the ip addy from my router) and would not connect to the server. I left it that way last night. today after work I check it and same issue so I restarted it and can get right in once it's up and running. started preclear again, and then when click back on main tab, same thing happened again. This is all happening with in 15-40 min of start up. I have no idea whats going on or how to fix it as i'm still a somewhat novice. As additional info, this happens using my linix mint laptop and my wifes W10 machine. I think i correctly downloaded the syslogs from yesterday and today. Also server is using IP address assigned by my router, everytime i restart the server I use the same address to access the webgui, no issues with anything else on my LAN


    Any help is greatly appreciated


    build is,


    Fractal node 804

    Supermicro C7Z97-M-O Motherboard

    Intel Core I74790K CPU

    Corsair Vengence 1600 MH memory 32GB 4x8

    EVGA 650SF power supply

    4 WD shucked 8TB drives

    2 WD Blue SSD drives 500GB


    offroadnut-syslog-20210825-0028.zip offroadnut-syslog-20210825-0111.zip

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