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Posts posted by jgillman

  1. @harshlI'm curious how you debugged the PSU issue. I've got a similar thing going on where when I have a VM (Ubuntu) running with my GPU passed through it locks up the whole host system and I have to hard reboot. This has only happened twice thus far but seems to happen when there's higher load on the VM.


    I've got a new 550w PSU any my max usage should never exceed 400w but I'm kinda grasping at straws here...

  2. Bug report! Seems like the "title" attribute (code here) is leaking when there's HTML in the stream title. I've only been using Plex Streams for a couple days but I would imagine that "stream.title" isn't expected to have HTML in it.


    I love being able to see the streams on my dashboard!

    Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 3.23.12 PM.png

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