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Everything posted by RichDominelli

  1. Thank you, will swap it out and see if it helps.
  2. Everything is on the Marvell controller. Whats a better brand?
  3. Ah the joy of ebay drives... yeah I see a few other folks out there with this issue now that I know what to look for. Is there any way of artificially setting the serial number? One of the other threads suggested "For me the solution was to enable "list IOMMU" in the motherboard BIOS." so I will check that as well.
  4. Here ya go. Thank you for your help tower-diagnostics-20210830-1154.zip
  5. Still in my trial period. I have 3 10TB drive a WD purple which I set for parity and 2 identitcal drives. All are connected to a dedicated sata 3 controller. I see all 3 in the tools - hardware [7:0:0:0]disk ATA WDC WD102PURZ-85 0A82 /dev/sdb 10.0TB [8:0:0:0]disk ATA OOS10000G OOS1 /dev/sdc 10.0TB [10:0:0:0]disk ATA OOS10000G OOS1 /dev/sdd 10.0TB But only 1 of the bottom 2 drive appears in the array configuration and I cannot figure out why?
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