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  1. Also interested in a 0.3.0 update for the ATM9 container! Thank you!
  2. Yep, I set my self as OP that worked great. I am looking for a way to monitor and send commands when not in game, for administration and chunk generation, etc. I tried setting up RCON, adding the port to the docker container, but it won't connect, I get invalid host name trying the WAN IP or Any other ideas would be appreciated! Thanks again for responding!
  3. Is there any easy way to access the server console? Thank you for such great containers!
  4. Thanks for that! Noticing that the launch script is looking for a run.sh, but only startserver.sh exists. Renaming the startserver.sh file to run.sh seems to fix it, so probably just needs a rename somewhere! Also wondering if there is a way to connect to the console once inside the docker terminal? Thanks again for making such great images!
  5. Any chance of getting the ATM7 docker updated to 0.4.34? This seems to be the only docker that's working well w/ unraid. and would save me from making my own. Thanks!
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