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Everything posted by alexta69

  1. The app is maintained, and when a new yt-dlp version is released, a new MeTube version is automatically built with the newest yt-dlp, and uploaded to docker hub. You need to set up your system to automatically upgrade your containers with the latest image versions (I use https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/ on a regular Linux box, maybe Unraid has already such functionality built in, I don't know, I'm not an Unraid user myself), and then you'll always have the newest version of yt-dlp.
  2. Stop the container, delete the .metube directory in your downloads folder, and start the container again.
  3. Can you paste the URL you're trying to download?
  4. Within the container you normally don't run as root, so you aren't supposed to have permissions to create it... It just wasn't built with this purpose in mind after all MeTube is a GUI for yt-dlp, so that's how it's meant to be used.
  5. You can pass the --no-cache-dir argument to avoid this error.
  6. Do you mind if I add this as an example in the MeTube README? If it's cool, let me know how (and if) I should credit you ("cdiv" and link to https://forums.unraid.net/profile/120892-cdiv/ or something else).
  7. YTDL_OPTIONS is set according to this spec: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py#L176 As the documentation says, not all command line options are represented there, and I don't see split-chapters there. Maybe it can be set via the postprocessors option. But to see if that's the case you'd need to delve into the yt-dlp source code and its handling of the --split-chapters option to see if it indeed uses postprocessors for its implementation.
  8. MeTube supports this method: https://github.com/alexta69/metube#using-browser-cookies
  9. Hey, Glad you're enjoying it! There's actually a PR being worked on right now (https://github.com/alexta69/metube/pull/73) that adds MP3 support. So hopefully that will be in the master version soon enough. Other features are not planned at the moment from my side, but contributions are welcome, if you want to take a stab at it Regarding YTDL_OPTIONS, it's specified that it's expected to be in JSON format, so it doesn't look to me that there's any information missing there. Alex
  10. That's exactly the thing -- I don't know much (or anything) about unraid, so I can't really help in pinpointing the problem here. The user option works when used directly with Docker, that much I know. I hope someone with unraid knowledge can help with this.
  11. Glad to hear! We're limited by the options that yt-dlp implements, so if they don't do Embed, we won't have it...
  12. YTDL_OPTIONS is indeed how you would do it, if you post here your YTDL_OPTIONS, we can try to see if there's anything wrong with it.
  13. You can use the YTDL_OPTIONS environment variable for subtitle options: https://github.com/alexta69/metube#configuration-via-environment-variables
  14. I see the PUID/PGID variables in the template. They won't have any effect with this docker image and should be removed. (UMASK too I think, though I'm not sure, it may have effect on the system level.) For this docker image you must pass "--user 99:100" to docker as an argument if you want the uid/gid to be 99/100 as in your template. From what I can gather from Googling, you can use the <ExtraParams> template parameter for that. I won't be the right person to take ownership of the template since I'm not an Unraid user, so I won't be able to test it.. But I'll be happy to help in other ways if I can. Alex
  15. Hi guys! MeTube author here. Glad you like the software! I'll be happy to assist where I can. I've never used Unraid so I know nothing about it, so I'll only be able to help with things that have to do with MeTube itself. @Alex.b, I'm not sure how you're setting the user/group ID in the template (where can I see the template?), but if I'm understanding it right, and it's via PUID/PGID environment variables, then those don't have any effect in this docker image. The uid/gid are set via the docker daemon, as documented in the README. How this is configured in Unraid I don't know... But there's got to be a way! @Hawkins12, as I said I know nothing about Unraid but still these don't look right... In the mount section, I think you want to use /mnt/user/Downloads/MeTube/cookies.txt as the host path. And in the environment variable section, you'll probably want YTDL_OPTIONS as the key, and the JSON string {"cookiefile":"/cookies.txt"} as the value.
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