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Posts posted by mtense

  1. On 12/22/2016 at 4:14 PM, RobJ said:

    Collecting related posts (because different methods have helped different users) -


    * For login failures, especially with 6.3.0


    * Another post from Tom, with a step by step procedure


    * Tom's post on managing credentials, and clearing them


    * Enabling older Samba authentication, also tips on debugging Samba connection issues


    * Posts about reverting to SMB 2.0.2


    * How to downgrade SMB


    * Using 2 different Windows credentials for different shares


    * The Local Master plugin


    * Local Master, the LM plugin, and workgroup names - plus the followup 3 posts down (about workgroups and election)


    * Keeps asking "Enter Network Password" - suggests using guest with no password


    * Using the hosts file worked?


    * Registry fix to keep your Windows 10 box from becoming the master browser


    * Clear summary post, with comment about Win 10 updates


    * config/smb-extra.conf


    * Anonymous Login on Windows 7 - might work for other Windows versions too?


    * more to come, as we find them or they are reported to us ...  (calling all fixes!  anyone that knows of a helpful tip - please inform us!)


    How about adding something like make sure all your "extra" packages are compatible with slackware version.  Bit me hard.  The push button upgrades are great, but can sure bite you...

  2. On 7/22/2017 at 2:09 AM, puweyxil said:

    Apologies for resurrecting an old thread; But I suffered the same issue as gcleaves ever since upgrading to 6.2.x (and beyond) from 6.1.9: Samba hasn't worked.


    Much like gcleaves, I didn't really have the time deal with it until recently, but I have finally discovered the issue:  Some plugin common to gcleaves and myself is installing an old version of glibc:  This file was in my (and his) /boot/extra folder:


    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12840356 Sep 15  2013 glibc-2.17-x86_64-7.txz


    Once I was able to remove that file (and reboot) Samba worked again (and I wonder what other problems this may have been causing me). I'm still trying to track down why that packages was there, but am happy to have Samba working again in the mean time.



    Argh.  Lost many hours until I came across this post.  Thanks a million puweyxil.


    I was installing glibc-2.17-x86_64-7.txz so that I could build perl modules.  I assume I need to upgrade.  Anyway, will installpkg commented out, shares are back!

  3. So, I tried watching traffic on 445, 137, and 139 to make sure samba is working.  When I restart samba (/etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart), I see it broadcasting.  See first image.  Sorry I can't figure out to export summary view in wireshark.  I am a noob.


    My PC:  (electra)

    Unraid:  (nas)


    The workgroup is PETEDOG.


    When I try to access unraid from windows file explorer by \\, I appear to get a bunch of resets (RST?).  Can anyone help me decipher these?








    2017-09-04 11_39_07-wireshark.png

    2017-09-04 11_39_43-wireshark.png

  4. I am running 6.3.5.  I have been primarily using plex on the unraid server and somewhere along the way I lost access to shares on the network.  I might have lost the shares with upgrading from 5 to 6.3, but it seems unlikely that I didn't check all was working then.  It has been a while, so I really don't trust my memory.  I apologize for the lack of info, but am hoping I can get some help moving forward.


    I can't see the server (doesn't show up in network) with Windows 10, Mac or Android.


    I have checked the Workgroup settings are consistent (PETEDOG).  I also installed the Master Browser plugin and checked that unraid is the master.  The server only has one nic, so no issues there.


    I have tried the SMB parameters:

    ntlm auth = yes
    max protocol = SMB2_02


    I have also tried registry entries:




    I tried booting in safe mode and have attached diagnostics.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.







    I have some perl scripts running on my unraid box that need a couple perl modules.  Took some googling and testing to get it figured out (a couple years ago).  I figured I would post what works for me in hopes that it will help someone else.


    Here are the relevant parts of my go script.


    installpkg /boot/packages/gcc-4.2.4-i486-1.tgz
    installpkg /boot/packages/glibc-2.7-i486-17.tgz
    installpkg /boot/packages/binutils-
    installpkg /boot/packages/make-3.81-i486-1.tgz
    installpkg /boot/packages/kernel-headers-
    installpkg /boot/packages/cxxlibs-6.0.9-i486-1.tgz
    installpkg /boot/custom/perl/perl-5.10.0-i486-1.tgz
    PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpan App::cpanminus
    PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpanm LWP::Simple
    mkdir /tmp/src
    cd /tmp/src
    cp /boot/packages/curl-7.25.0.tar.gz .
    tar xzf curl-7.25.0.tar.gz
    cd curl-7.25.0
    make install
    cp /usr/local/lib/* /usr/lib

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