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  1. Hi all tl;dr: Changed my USB stick and want to do it again (all within 3 days). Is it a problem to transfer license several times? Long version: I noticed some problems with my unraid server where the usb drive/stick sometimes doesn't get recognized and therefor the system doesn't boot. I often had to unplug an replug the stick and use different ports. Once unraid was running, it was okay. Two days ago all shares disappeared while unraid was still running. As I needed the server, I used a SanDisk stick I had lying around, but had to do the manual setup, which was okay for me. I transferred the license and unraid is up and running again. Yesterday I read about problems with SanDisk and decided to buy two Samsung sticks, as recommended in some posts and videos. Both Samsung will arrive today and I would like to switch again. I am just afraid now, that using several drives and transferring the license again within that short time will cause some problems. Maybe my license will be revoked or transfer denied because of too many tries? I am unsure if I can just do it again. Will it be somehow suspicious to the registration/license servers? Any help/information would be appreciated. Thanks a lot
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