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Posts posted by MrGrey

  1. Do you have your own domain (like you registered/paid $10/year for it), or you're trying to do it completely free?


    You have certificates for your domain?


    3 hours ago, Pstark said:

    if I type in the browser address bar, for example "nextcloud.home.arpa"


    In my experience (which isn't much) that will want a secure connection with a valid SSL/TLS (call it what you want) certificate. It MUST resolve to "httpS" in most browsers or you'll get a warning (even in your own house -- the nerve) :)


    I have this working (reverse proxy) in pfSense for both local and public and hidden addresses.


    My time is limited. I'm following this thread.






  2. 1) You'll find your family won't like your solution.


    2) You'll find your family doesn't want to learn how to do things properly. (Onedrive, Google, Siri, Alexa is soooo much easier).


    On 4/20/2023 at 9:42 AM, DrSiva2022 said:

    I work with lightroom / PS etc


    One of the first things I moved to digikam and hated for it. :)


    Let them do what they want... BUT... keep the "digital" house secure.




  3. 4 hours ago, Pstark said:

    I added another SSD pool with the intention of putting whatever files the Unraid webUI uses on it to make the webUI pages as fast as possible.


    As EDACerton said, the OS runs from RAM. I suspect a fast CPU and, probably more, a fast GPU would make things run faster (visually), but a faster HDD isn't going to do anything to speed up the GUI. Faster Internet (2.5G?) might help some?


    Just my two cents.



  4. My Vaultwarden log shows...


    [2023-04-21 20:19:32.318][start][INFO] Rocket has launched from
    [2023-04-21 20:19:33.189][rocket::server::_][ERROR] No matching routes for OPTIONS /.
    [2023-04-21 20:19:33.189][rocket::server::_][WARN] Responding with registered (not_found) 404 catcher.
    [2023-04-21 20:19:34.198][rocket::server::_][ERROR] No matching routes for OPTIONS /.
    [2023-04-21 20:19:34.198][rocket::server::_][WARN] Responding with registered (not_found) 404 catcher.


    ...after a normal restart, as Joeyleigh posted above (version 1.28.1, etc.). The [WARN] and [ERROR] repeat every second to infinity after the, "Rocket has launched from" Everything seems to be working fine and I've seen others with the same issue (repeated warning and error), but no solution yet.


    Anyone here have any ideas?





  5. 13 hours ago, Tomo82 said:

    the biggest one is suddenly my single drive array with zfs encryption

    I only run "stable" 6.11.5... and I would never encrypt drives/volumes because/whatever.


    Consider this post "bumped" because I want to and I think it should be.




  6. 13 hours ago, adrianedelen said:

    Is it possible to give the Plex (or any given specific docker) container higher priority for disk access and network bandwidth?


    No... BUT!... You can limit every other "function" that your server must perform.


    In other words... You can't give Plex more, but you can deny others...


    Or... You CAN give Plex more by denying others more than they need?


    I hope that makes sense.





  7. 10 hours ago, NAS-newbie said:

    NordVPN set up as a "proxy server" in UnRAID


    You can't make NordVPN (or any other VPN) a "proxy server" (expect you mean "reverse proxy")?


    There are TWO (2) types of VPN:


    ONE (1) is the type people are sold; like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, PIA, TOO many to mention...


    TWO (2) is the type you setup to "fool" people that you're at home.


    Two is free and One costs.


    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.





  8. To each their own, but Wireguard has been shown less secure than some might like. Some choose to support it (as I believe they should) and some choose to not use it (as I believe they should).


    I have no affiliation with OpenVPN, but you won't believe that now and... To each their own.




  9. You can't make a share "within" a share without taking some "liberties" with SMB.


    You have to shut down the array to do it (not yet).


    You have to go to Settings>SMB


    You have to look at SMB Extras... You might see things there?


    If you don't, you can make a share like:


      path = /mnt/user
      comment = "only do this if you know what you are doing"
      browseable = no
      valid users = *you* (your user name)
      write list = *you* (your user name)


    Why isn't a password in there?... Get it?


    (There isn't a password because you already have root)


    I'm pretty sure I haven't been clear enough about this, but it's too damned easy if you have access (which you do); to shoot yourself in the foot (if you want to).









  10. 3 hours ago, HighTick said:

    I had to shutdown my server because I had only 60min on my smart ups and the electricity was off for a full day.

    First... I know about the storm (feeling for you folks out east). Second... You shouldn't have to shut down the server; it should shut itself down, properly, when power is running out. I've had this happen three (3) times with my system for various reasons.


    3 hours ago, HighTick said:

    I got the same Unmountable disk on disk2, however it's the new drive,


    If you're sure the drive is good then, maybe, it's the cable to that drive?


    I haven't read the entire thread properly, but I hope this helps.




  11. Can you get a USB drive and copy stuff to it?


    6 hours ago, schreibman said:

    Is there a better method to move a large (60 TB) number of files off a failing read-only pool?


    I'm going to say "no".


    Be happy/thankfull that you can get stuff off the drive. An SSD would give you sh*t/nothing.


    I hope you save everything and expect you'll save all but a bit (and the bit won't matter).


    MrGrey. :)



  12. World Backup Day means uploading everything you know/have/believe to "the" cloud of your choice so it can be disseminated and gathered to make the world a better place without you in it.


    Or... You can just backup your kids photos and hope your spouse can find them without using Google.




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