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  1. The link I gave hasn't directly to do something with the .env file. You should copy the example file and rename it to .env and fill out at least the required points. And yes, setting up this .env file correctly / fittingly is why created this thread. Because I believe you have to have not only a redis and postgres database, but also something that provides S3 buckets like Minio or AWS. Also, OAuth is the only way of login so setting up a Provider like Google, Slack or just OIDC in general. There is documentation / help in the .env.example, but it will still not be easy. I took me a day of trying and I am pretty tech-savvy...
  2. I forgot to reply to this, but I got it working on a Debian Server, shortly after opening this thread, and forgot to say something in here. The software had something I didn't like, so I abandoned it, and now I don't even know anymore what everything is I did to make it run.
  3. From what I could find at the moment, you might be missing an Environment Variable for the Database connection, since there is no URL found. > See if your .env file is correctly setup
  4. After fiddling long I Got Outline Working as well not on Unraid but on another server with dockers, a while back already. The outline configuration takes quite the time, used minio as s3 server and Keycloak for OIDC. Wasn't worth the configuration trouble for me personally. EDIT: Especially since you can only have one team/group at a time on your self-hosted instance (you can't kinda overwrite this, but it messes with outline very badly) Kinda forgot about this post o.o
  5. I am not so good with Docker stuff and would like a Docker Container of / which I can install on my Home Unraid. That would be great, thank you.