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Posts posted by RYZEN5000

  1. 9 hours ago, RYZEN5000 said:

    I spent all day trying to install Tdarr V2, I must say that I like V1 better and I had no problems with it. Here is what I am struggling with. During the install the main controller Tdarr is supposed to include the node.....but it refuses to install with the main installation and then I am forced to install the node seperately. This causes the main Tdarr with node to blink constantly during encoding video on the GUI. It just looks stupid but the only way I could get it to work is to give the second node that I installed a different name and port so there essentially are two nodes installed but only one is working because the people who designed tdarr are god damn stupid and cant fix all their bugs. I litterally tried everything I can think of and I am an unraid user of 6 months and have used it all day everyday since I installed it. So I am good at installing apps but this one is being a little biotch and doesn't work properly, I want to complain about Tdarr and the people who updated it to V2, It doesnt work properly, I have to do my workaround and install the second node with a different name and port to get it to work on my server. Does anyone know of a better way? Why everywhere I turn there are useless software developers who cant get a, f-ing thing right and I always have to modify it to work? Like when I tried to install ESXi last night on my spare server and the crooks want 1200 bucks for it and it doesnt even come with drivers so the network cards dont work on majority of servers and towers and hardware, morons I tell you, they half ass completed that software left out all the drivers and its useless to me, modify a iso file......yah right I spent 6 hours trying with documentation on the web that was no f-ing good and didn't work either, What are we supposed to do with all this crap software? Make the best of it I guess? It sort of works I mean I can get it to work but its always a hassle and there are glitches in everything and I spend hours in config files fixing mistakes. When are they going to fix the Tdarr template so it installs the node with the controller? Cmon I tried it 16 times and I even deleted the old templates to see if that would help and it didnt. The biotch wouldn't install and when I finally got the node installed it wouldnt encode and I played with it for another 3 hours before I figured out you got to trick it and install a second node with a different name and port. Fuck my life I spend too much time on Unraid, its resilient yet its not, one mistake and I am redoing installations on stuff, its all so finicky when it comes to making adjustments I make small ones only and see if its better. 


    There are two pictures of Tdarr Gui so you can see that the node is blinking.


    On another topic my server is pretty but it was also pretty expensive and if I knew 6 months sgo what I know now I would have ordered a new enterprise grade server off amazon or ebay for half the price, 6G doesn't get you much these days when parts cost so much for the high end cpus and stuff mine was 500 doller just for the cpu and I bought two cpu, the 5800X and 5600G, and the latter wasn't powerful enough running a hog like Tdarr so I had to upgrade and now I'm stuck with what I paid 900 bucks for two cpus. Anyone out there wanting a unraid server or an upgrade just take a look at enterprise hardware before you dish out at amazon for a desktop model.







    Later that night I had an idea, I set the inner server node to false and that stopped the blinking. Anyone get the node working that is the one in the main template? I gave up on that and installed a seperate node. I don't even know why they included it in the template, it doesn't work.

  2. I spent all day trying to install Tdarr V2, I must say that I like V1 better and I had no problems with it. Here is what I am struggling with. During the install the main controller Tdarr is supposed to include the node.....but it refuses to install with the main installation and then I am forced to install the node seperately. This causes the main Tdarr with node to blink constantly during encoding video on the GUI. It just looks stupid but the only way I could get it to work is to give the second node that I installed a different name and port so there essentially are two nodes installed but only one is working because the people who designed tdarr are god damn stupid and cant fix all their bugs. I litterally tried everything I can think of and I am an unraid user of 6 months and have used it all day everyday since I installed it. So I am good at installing apps but this one is being a little biotch and doesn't work properly, I want to complain about Tdarr and the people who updated it to V2, It doesnt work properly, I have to do my workaround and install the second node with a different name and port to get it to work on my server. Does anyone know of a better way? Why everywhere I turn there are useless software developers who cant get a, f-ing thing right and I always have to modify it to work? Like when I tried to install ESXi last night on my spare server and the crooks want 1200 bucks for it and it doesnt even come with drivers so the network cards dont work on majority of servers and towers and hardware, morons I tell you, they half ass completed that software left out all the drivers and its useless to me, modify a iso file......yah right I spent 6 hours trying with documentation on the web that was no f-ing good and didn't work either, What are we supposed to do with all this crap software? Make the best of it I guess? It sort of works I mean I can get it to work but its always a hassle and there are glitches in everything and I spend hours in config files fixing mistakes. When are they going to fix the Tdarr template so it installs the node with the controller? Cmon I tried it 16 times and I even deleted the old templates to see if that would help and it didnt. The biotch wouldn't install and when I finally got the node installed it wouldnt encode and I played with it for another 3 hours before I figured out you got to trick it and install a second node with a different name and port. Fuck my life I spend too much time on Unraid, its resilient yet its not, one mistake and I am redoing installations on stuff, its all so finicky when it comes to making adjustments I make small ones only and see if its better. 


    There are two pictures of Tdarr Gui so you can see that the node is blinking.


    On another topic my server is pretty but it was also pretty expensive and if I knew 6 months sgo what I know now I would have ordered a new enterprise grade server off amazon or ebay for half the price, 6G doesn't get you much these days when parts cost so much for the high end cpus and stuff mine was 500 doller just for the cpu and I bought two cpu, the 5800X and 5600G, and the latter wasn't powerful enough running a hog like Tdarr so I had to upgrade and now I'm stuck with what I paid 900 bucks for two cpus. Anyone out there wanting a unraid server or an upgrade just take a look at enterprise hardware before you dish out at amazon for a desktop model.







  3. How was somone able to get through my router? I realize I have done quite a bit of port forwarding but only my ipaddress is supposed to be able to connect see the rules below.


    During port forwarding it asks me to "Enter the Source IP address."

    Think of it like a filter. Unless a connection attempt is coming from the specified source address, the connection will be refused. Source addresses can also be entered using a range of IP addresses, instead of one per line. For example:


    So how does it work that they were able to connect to my VNC? SSH? some form of very smart hacking I'm sure but if anybody wants to come and tell me how its done so I can build a better defence against it I welcome the feedback. ??

  4. UPDATE. The VM seedbox is achieving up to 30 MB/s with the average being 14 MB/s download on each torrent, I admit It wasn't the best idea to create a Windows VM without a password. I have now created a VNC password and a Windows password and I have disabled the antivirus portion of bitdefender and kept the firewall service active which is all I am really concerned about. It was maxing out one cpu core at all times with 4 allocated with the virus protection running and virues are not a concern just hijacking and hackers.

    It really has been a good project I am entirely happy with the results of the seedbox they are far beyond what I imagined for speed and certainly it has way faster downloads than UltraSeedbox.com did. They don't really have 50,000GBs connection my gigabit with VPN is around 700MBS and its downloading every torrent 10 times faster than Ultraseedbox ever did. with the slowest torrent around 10 MB/s. I recommend this VM seedbox to others but just keep in mind that every time you change a setting in "edit VM" you need to re-enter a password field, don't leave it blank it needs to be replaced everytime a VM gets edited. and for F sake put a password on Windows don't be like me and get jacked on the first day. 

  5. I have become more focused on security since my Unraid server VNC VM VPN Seedbox was hacked, so far here is a list of things I have done to prevent a future attack.


    I disabled remote access to windows,

    I closed ports 5800 5900 and a bunch of others.

    I installed bitdefender security and firewall.

    I created a tough windows password

    I created a tough VNC password

    I set all crucial shares to no access including flash and system and appdata


    I don't know what more I can do I need open ports for my applications to run

    luckily there wasn't much damage, the attacker destroyed the vm the first day

    and I caught him first thing the second time the following day and I had warnings that security settings of windows had been altered.

    Remote connections to windows I never activated that and obviously he SSH into my VNC and was able to change windows security settings

    he went for the chrome browser immediately and tried to open a link somewhere but I shut the VM down and when i started it up again, I did not give him time to gain access to it because I changed location of my VPN to albania and I disabled the network adapter while I installed bitdefender. This is a bad day because my paypal got hacked yesterday and they somehow disabled two stage authentication and were able to make purchases through my debit card, it is in dispute right now. I wish VNC was more secure it is an unencrypted connection and if anyone knows how to connect to a VM in a more secure way id apreciate the know how. 

    Fingers crossed, I won't say for sure that they cant get in now and I know there are more ports I need to close that I can live without being open and program access but its alot harder to hijack my VM and entire system now.


  6. 13 minutes ago, RYZEN5000 said:

    I have alot of apps installed and I probably do, like port 443 and 80 but they are forwarded to other ports for NGINX. I have added all my shares to the VM so that I could download torrents into the shares so it has access yes, I temporarily closed access to all appdata and flash and every share except mediaserver so that even I cannot access them I am lucky I caught him before he deleted my entire movie library and all my data. I am not sure what a DMZ is. I have all my apps added to reverse proxy so i could access them remotely if I wanted there are roughly 25 ports open. if I have to I will close the ports so that I don't have access to anything except nextcloud and bitwarden but I have about 30 apps installed all can be reached from https:// I uninstalled rclone browser because it used ports 5800 and 5900 and those are the same as teamviewer which the hijacker installed yesterday when he destroyed my vm, he came back today or it was a different hacker I don't know but somone was inside my VM yesterday as well and destroyed it I had to reinstall it I opened the vm at one point and teamviewer was installed and running and I sure as fuck didn't install that. Today I caught them I was watching pretty much all day and an hour ago 5 am in the morning the mouse started moving on its own and the typing started. please help me where can I start tightening security???? 

    As you can see I installed Bitrdefender but I already had NORD installed and that did not do anything to prevent an attack, a VPN does nothing for protection against hackers. OR this hacker.


  7. I have alot of apps installed and I probably do, like port 443 and 80 but they are forwarded to other ports for NGINX. I have added all my shares to the VM so that I could download torrents into the shares so it has access yes, I temporarily closed access to all appdata and flash and every share except mediaserver so that even I cannot access them I am lucky I caught him before he deleted my entire movie library and all my data. I am not sure what a DMZ is. I have all my apps added to reverse proxy so i could access them remotely if I wanted there are roughly 25 ports open. if I have to I will close the ports so that I don't have access to anything except nextcloud and bitwarden but I have about 30 apps installed all can be reached from https:// I uninstalled rclone browser because it used ports 5800 and 5900 and those are the same as teamviewer which the hijacker installed yesterday when he destroyed my vm, he came back today or it was a different hacker I don't know but somone was inside my VM yesterday as well and destroyed it I had to reinstall it I opened the vm at one point and teamviewer was installed and running and I sure as fuck didn't install that. Today I caught them I was watching pretty much all day and an hour ago 5 am in the morning the mouse started moving on its own and the typing started. please help me where can I start tightening security????

  8. Yes, I have a question and i ask it with urgency, tonight I was sitting in front of my computer watching the VM seedbox when the mouse started moving and letters were typing into google chrome, somone was able to hack into my unraid server's Windows VM and change a bunch of security settings and shut off the VPN. I frantically shut down the VM as fast as I could and he didn't have time to delete my shares or cause any other damages that I'm currently aware of but it really scared me how deturmined people are to break into my server, I was able to again secure my server and I changed the VPN location temporarily to albania and I installed bitdefender security on my VM, I was wondering if there are unraid settings that are improperly set or how this individual was able to gain access to my server? Was it through the qbittorrent protocol and open ports? how can i prevent this from happening again because I am usually watching my screen all day long but I cannot promise to sit here and watch a VM window to make sure I'm not getting hacked. I am very upset please give me your technical advise and I want to report this incident to Unraid as version 6.9.2 has a security flaw or I have unknowingly opened one. I want an answer from somone with experience with Unraid security details. How was this hijack able to take place and how can I prevent a future attack? I felt like Ukraine and tthat hijacker is russia. It sucks being a victim I'm just lucky I caught them in time to stop them before they inflicted damages because they were changing settings in my pc faster than I could.


    Somone answer my questions how I can beef my security?????????????????????????

    insanely fast torrenting.png

  9. 6 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Is there a question for General support forum in all that ?



    I had a power outage the other day and it said my hard drive was unmountable. Its lucky it was an empty drive so I just reformatted it but if it hadent been empty what am am supposed to do to fix it? If I had data on the drive i can't format it to make the problem go away. Any ideas? MY Unraid server rebooted when the power came back on because itr is set to fire right back up but I lost a drive, till it was reformatted. Why would I lose an empty new drive?

  10. 3 cores and 3 gb ram seems to be the sweet spot why is that? I get 700mbs down and 800 upload. why does CPU have anything to do with internet speed? The cpu is running at 4% with the VM I am happy with the result the torrenting is really really fast much faster than a docker container. Because I can use Nord Lynx protocol.




  11. 6 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Is there a question for General support forum in all that ?



    "Yes I posted some questions and I want to know is it bad for my new CPU to run a VM all the time, how come when I reduce cores the internet speed test result decreases? Why does it need to much CPU to run a internet speed test I want 600mbs to 700 with a vpn so I need 3-4 cores. Is there  a way to further reduce the load on my cpu? it was expensive.



  12. 5 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Is there a question for General support forum in all that ?



    Yes, how do I fix btrfs errors I had the 2 tb mixed with the jobod 3 , 1 Tb drives and I was getting constant errors in the logs, why is this happening and I seperated the drives and it seems to have stopped the errors, why? I don't understand why I cant mix SSD sizes they are all brand new NVME they should not have any errors. Also the first VM went blue screen on me and I had to reinstall the whole seedbox VM is there any way to fix the blue screen of death next time?

  13. 6 hours ago, RYZEN5000 said:

    I recently had a go with ultraseedbox and to be honest I was not impressed by their speed and the fact that it took nearly 5 hours to sink a few hundred gigs of torrent files to my Unriad server. I thought and thought about it, how could I torrent faster? I wanted to get the torrents as quickly as I could and I didn't want to pay 25 Euros a month for a SSD NVME Seedbox. Then the idea hit me, I needed to get rid of my docker container Qbittorrent because I was getting letters from my ISP daily about copywrite infringment and I had to keep using Open VPN which is the protocol All the docker containers normally use. I needed to find a way to use NORD LYNX protocol for torrenting while keeping my laptop free for other things and the NORD needed to be installed on the server as well as the torrent client.

    Then the answer hit me:

    I created a Windows LTSC 10 Enterprise VM and I installed Qbittorrent and enabled the Web UI so that I could reach it by ip in the browser just like as if it was in a docker. I used Nord VPN at 650mbs download and  700mbs uplead on my gigabit connection to create the perfect torrenting seedbox. I can download most torrents at 30mbs but they can range from 1mbs to as low as 6 or 10mbs depending on how many seeds I am connected to. But the fact remains that it is 30 times faster than just using a docker alone. By using a docker client I believe we can only get a resulting 100MBS even from our 1 GB ISP. The Windows 10 LTSC VM is light and has no bloatware but you must remember if you setup yours that you will need to enable lanmans workstation to allow your vm to see the network drives using the registry and gpedit I included the fix for you if you want to try out a Seedbox vm, it is so close to what a real seedbox is but way better and its free. 

    Keep in mind testing needs to be done, if you use too few cpu cores and ram it will result in very slow downloads, I have 3 cores enabled giving me over 600mbs from a Nord VPN connection through the gui. This is really easy to setup guys, go ahead give it a try theres no ubunto or linux skills necessary and you can have it up and connected to sonarr and radarr in less than 15 minutes i you work right through it. Remember guys if you want to keep system fan speed and resource usage low then don't over assign or under asign the work load. very little configuration was needed, and the speeds are absolutely good, make sure to test wreless speed afer just make sure than enable kill switch, thats a necessity on VM. I am super wicked happy with its performance and had no errors whatsoever setting itr up. I wanted to share this idea with anyone using NORD VPN there is now a way to use NORD LYNX with unraid vm seedboxs Remember to use your vm ip in the gui web ui entry and i used port 8282 because i have the original qbittirrent docker still installed. it downloads like a dream is very very fast. After using this setup I would never ever rent a seedbox again this is superior. Speeds of 30mbs are normal for my torrents that would have taken me days and weeks are now taking just seconds and minutes to download to my desired share.


    Good day eveyone,


















    fix cannot access network shares win 10.pdf 2.5 MB · 0 downloads



    See the seedbox NVME drives, I had to seperate it from the cache I was getting btfrs errors when I mixed a 2 tb drive with 3 , 1 TB drives its working better this way

  14. On 3/7/2022 at 2:04 AM, RYZEN5000 said:

    scscscsc.thumb.png.a5af55852b393f7d317452cc058fa740.pngI recently had a go with ultraseedbox and to be honest I was not impressed by their speed and the fact that it took nearly 5 hours to sink a few hundred gigs of torrent files to my Unriad server. I thought and thought about it, how could I torrent faster? I wanted to get the torrents as quickly as I could and I didn't want to pay 25 Euros a month for a SSD NVME Seedbox. Then the idea hit me, I needed to get rid of my docker container Qbittorrent because I was getting letters from my ISP daily about copywrite infringment and I had to keep using Open VPN which is the protocol All the docker containers normally use. I needed to find a way to use NORD LYNX protocol for torrenting while keeping my laptop free for other things and the NORD needed to be installed on the server as well as the torrent client.

    Then the answer hit me:

    I created a Windows LTSC 10 Enterprise VM and I installed Qbittorrent and enabled the Web UI so that I could reach it by ip in the browser just like as if it was in a docker. I used Nord VPN at 650mbs download and  700mbs uplead on my gigabit connection to create the perfect torrenting seedbox. I can download most torrents at 30mbs but they can range from 1mbs to as low as 6 or 10mbs depending on how many seeds I am connected to. But the fact remains that it is 30 times faster than just using a docker alone. By using a docker client I believe we can only get a resulting 100MBS even from our 1 GB ISP. The Windows 10 LTSC VM is light and has no bloatware but you must remember if you setup yours that you will need to enable lanmans workstation to allow your vm to see the network drives using the registry and gpedit I included the fix for you if you want to try out a Seedbox vm, it is so close to what a real seedbox is but way better and its free. 

    Keep in mind testing needs to be done, if you use too few cpu cores and ram it will result in very slow downloads, I have 3 cores enabled giving me over 600mbs from a Nord VPN connection through the gui. This is really easy to setup guys, go ahead give it a try theres no ubunto or linux skills necessary and you can have it up and connected to sonarr and radarr in less than 15 minutes i you work right through it. Remember guys if you want to keep system fan speed and resource usage low then don't over assign or under asign the work load. very little configuration was needed, and the speeds are absolutely good, make sure to test wreless speed afer just make sure than enable kill switch, thats a necessity on VM. I am super wicked happy with its performance and had no errors whatsoever setting itr up. I wanted to share this idea with anyone using NORD VPN there is now a way to use NORD LYNX with unraid vm seedboxs Remember to use your vm ip in the gui web ui entry and i used port 8282 because i have the original qbittirrent docker still installed. it downloads like a dream is very very fast. After using this setup I would never ever rent a seedbox again this is superior. Speeds of 30mbs are normal for my torrents that would have taken me days and weeks are now taking just seconds and minutes to download to my desired share. Its blazing fast with a 1 gbit connection on a vm and with Nord it beats any seedbox out there its way faster than Ultraseedbox by 5X.


    Good day eveyone,


















    fix cannot access network shares win 10.pdf 2.5 MB · 0 downloads

    I never hit 30 mbs with a docker install of qbittorrent this is absolutely the fastest way to download torrents.

  15. I recently had a go with ultraseedbox and to be honest I was not impressed by their speed and the fact that it took nearly 5 hours to sink a few hundred gigs of torrent files to my Unriad server. I thought and thought about it, how could I torrent faster? I wanted to get the torrents as quickly as I could and I didn't want to pay 25 Euros a month for a SSD NVME Seedbox. Then the idea hit me, I needed to get rid of my docker container Qbittorrent because I was getting letters from my ISP daily about copywrite infringment and I had to keep using Open VPN which is the protocol All the docker containers normally use. I needed to find a way to use NORD LYNX protocol for torrenting while keeping my laptop free for other things and the NORD needed to be installed on the server as well as the torrent client.

    Then the answer hit me:

    I created a Windows LTSC 10 Enterprise VM and I installed Qbittorrent and enabled the Web UI so that I could reach it by ip in the browser just like as if it was in a docker. I used Nord VPN at 650mbs download and  700mbs uplead on my gigabit connection to create the perfect torrenting seedbox. I can download most torrents at 30mbs but they can range from 1mbs to as low as 6 or 10mbs depending on how many seeds I am connected to. But the fact remains that it is 30 times faster than just using a docker alone. By using a docker client I believe we can only get a resulting 100MBS even from our 1 GB ISP. The Windows 10 LTSC VM is light and has no bloatware but you must remember if you setup yours that you will need to enable lanmans workstation to allow your vm to see the network drives using the registry and gpedit I included the fix for you if you want to try out a Seedbox vm, it is so close to what a real seedbox is but way better and its free. 

    Keep in mind testing needs to be done, if you use too few cpu cores and ram it will result in very slow downloads, I have 3 cores enabled giving me over 600mbs from a Nord VPN connection through the gui. This is really easy to setup guys, go ahead give it a try theres no ubunto or linux skills necessary and you can have it up and connected to sonarr and radarr in less than 15 minutes i you work right through it. Remember guys if you want to keep system fan speed and resource usage low then don't over assign or under asign the work load. very little configuration was needed, and the speeds are absolutely good, make sure to test wreless speed afer just make sure than enable kill switch, thats a necessity on VM. I am super wicked happy with its performance and had no errors whatsoever setting itr up. I wanted to share this idea with anyone using NORD VPN there is now a way to use NORD LYNX with unraid vm seedboxs Remember to use your vm ip in the gui web ui entry and i used port 8282 because i have the original qbittirrent docker still installed. it downloads like a dream is very very fast. After using this setup I would never ever rent a seedbox again this is superior. Speeds of 30mbs are normal for my torrents that would have taken me days and weeks are now taking just seconds and minutes to download to my desired share.


    Good day eveyone,


















    fix cannot access network shares win 10.pdf



    insanely fast torrenting.png









    Torrents by the following seeders should not be downloaded because they contain ip trackers:

    Do not download and share their torrents because they are hackers and liars and CHEATS who try to sue you.


    NOGRP[rartv]   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    seeded by:  ViacomCBS Inc.

        Vobile - Compliance

       2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite 360

    Santa Clara, CA 95054

     +1 (408) 492 1100

        [email protected]

    ViacomCBS Inc.

    Vobile - Compliance


    2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite 360

    Santa Clara, CA 95054


        +1 (408) 492 1100

        [email protected]


    -SVA[eztv]   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    seeded by:

        ViacomCBS Inc.

        Vobile - Compliance


    2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite 360

    Santa Clara, CA 95054


        +1 (408) 492 1100

        [email protected]


    NTb[eztv.re]   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Seeded by:   

    ViacomCBS Inc.

        Vobile - Compliance


    2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite 360

    Santa Clara, CA 95054


        +1 (408) 492 1100

        [email protected]


    [YTS.LT]   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Seeded by:

    Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Inc.

    Claimants Address/ Adresse du demandeur:

    10202, West Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA, 90232, US

    Claimants Email Address/ Courrier electronique du demandeur:


    [email protected]


    AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Seeded by: [email protected]





    Brookfield Place


    Suite 1800, C.P. 754


    181 rue Bay


    Toronto  ON  M5J 2T9


    Adresse courriel:  [email protected]


    A lattention de:  Kenneth R. Clark


    ROVERS[rartv]   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Seeded by:


                    The Guard Productions LTD

      Kenneth R. Clark

    181 Bay Street, Suite 1800 Toronto Ontario Canada



                    [email protected]

    AMC Film Holdings LLC and/or its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (Company).  Under penalty of perjury, I assert that Vobile Inc., (Vobile) is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive copyrights that are alleged to be infringed herein.


    [DODI Repack]    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Entertainment Software Association


    601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 300 West


    Washington, DC 20001 USA


    Intellectual Property Enforcement






    [REPACK]  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Intellectual Property Enforcement

    601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 300 West  Washington, DC 20001

    Intellectual Property Enforcement


    Entertainment Software Association


    Site Web : http://www.theesa.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DMCA-FAQs-Updated-12-2014.pdf




    bad letters.png

  17. 6 hours ago, RYZEN5000 said:

    I installed it by deleting the entry for node port completely and by creating a variable sort of like the one for server port but its not a port its a variable and it still doesn't work after the install. I wonder how long this will take before it gets addressed. months?...... I think its worth searching for an older version of the app where i can install it with a docker command line and mabye get it funtional that way but knowing that the version needs to match for all components I don't know if I can find the correct versions for all my windows nodes too.

    Tdarr is working now! Docker template is fixed now, I was playing around with docker compose scripts for a few hours trying to install it that way but I went back and tried it again and its been updated to beta version with node installation included. It installed the node automatically.

    But what a pain in my arse it was soo difficult to install it by docker compose, it installed alright but the port mappings were not working at all, I'm glad somone fixed the docker template and included the node this time, thats a better way to do it, and here I was thinking it wouldn't get fixed for a very long time but it was faster than expected and I'm just getting ready to map for my other windows PCs to make them nodes now that all my programing from before is probably not going to work but we will see about that soon! Im Transcoding now, hope it doesn't take long to catch up I'm mostly converted to HEVC but each week I do another run and shrink my new downloads and keep on downloading, keep torrenting, I'll never stop, not till I cant fit anymore 16TB drives in my case, I've been torrenting on this new server since October 8th it was AGKSERVERS birthday and hes a real beast but I haven't fully added all the drives yet just 48TB plus 5.5TB cache. 4 more bays left them I'm adding more drive racks inside because the case is huge its packed but theres room if I move some fans and wires I think I can fit 20 drives and I want to buy more 16TB or 20TB drives. Tdarr is working! Health checks are intensive on my ryzen 7 5800X but when they finish my cpu will run around 5% transcoding with GPU. I hope my build inspires others to build a nice new Unraid server. It is my favorite thing to play with.AGKSERVER1.thumb.png.cbbd203594b028bf31ec0e052ab08257.png

























    • Like 2
  18. 6 hours ago, wgstarks said:

    The only way Ive found to get a successful install is to delete the path for node port. This will allow the TDARR docker to run but you won't be able to use the internal node. You'll need to also run the TDARR_NODE docker. Or you can wait until the bugs are worked out in the template.

    I installed it by deleting the entry for node port completely and by creating a variable sort of like the one for server port but its not a port its a variable and it still doesn't work after the install. I wonder how long this will take before it gets addressed. months?...... I think its worth searching for an older version of the app where i can install it with a docker command line and mabye get it funtional that way but knowing that the version needs to match for all components I don't know if I can find the correct versions for all my windows nodes too.

  19. Hey, my install failed, is this variable correct? it says there is an invalid entry in docker pull down. What is the proper variable or is it port, should It be port or variable here, this is on the template so mabye there is a mistake, it fails unless i put it as a variable and when it does install it wont load web ui from the node nor node show up in tdarr. help me please, why is this installation failing?



  20. 17 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I would strongly recommend to not convert everything into AV1 just yet and wait if there comes something up new that maybe is better and/or establishes itself more than AV1.

    Also as said once, barely any device supports AV1 in hardware and that means you have to transcode every single stream to the devices again on your server and that would be a real pain I think...

    Yes, I dislike transcoding its too intensive on resources. I will wait till I see them make it common or come out with something better. I won't convert my media yet. Thanks

  21. On 2/20/2022 at 11:28 PM, ich777 said:

    AV1 is the successor to the VP9 codec if I'm not mistaken. I really don't know when or if it ever will take off and get more popularity because so less devices supports this codec.

    I would recommend to not convert your whole media library, at least not yet, to this format because even if Jellyfin would support it the most devices out there doesn't support it either and that means that you have to transcode each indiviual file back to h264 or h265 and that is counterproductive because not much hardware supports encoding (even decoding -> only supported on RTX3000 series so far and no encoding on the RTX3000 series) and uses way more energy than if you have the files on h265 which most devices supports by now.


    Please keep also in mind that I'm not the developer from Jellyfin, if you got a feature request head over to the Jellyfin Github and create an issue there: Click

    I hope they support AV1 before I run out of room, I only have 48TB and 5TB SSD Cache and I am using 21TB right now but its filling up fast with my new ultraseedbox and a 50gbit connection. I can't wait to covert my media to save more space than HEVC because my server only holds another 4 disks roughly. If I can potentionally save 60 pecent room with AV1 I'll be set. OF course the jellyfin media player supports HEVC but it will need to direct play AV1 before I convert because I only have a 1050Ti OC NVIDIA which gets eaten up pretty good during a few streams of transcoding. I'm already planning on adding more to my 9 bay 3.5 case, I see I can buy stackable double disc drive bays for 20 bucks, goal is to add at least 20, 16 TB, or 20TB drives even if I have to run more drives from a drive box and use long sata cables to connect the box to my server and it would have its own dedicated power supply. I can't stop torrenting, thats all I have been doing in my free time I{ have 167 tv series and 2000 movies in 1080P and 850 XXX 1080p videos. and God help me if I have to delete any of the XXX to save room, please.....no.

  22. On 2/7/2022 at 2:04 PM, ich777 said:

    Yes, that is something I would hope... :)


    This is a good question, it could also be that (I think you are running a Ryzen APU...) your CPU doesn't like the input format, have you yet tried a differnt browser if the same happens there too?

    Also maybe try to change the transcoding quality to a different setting and see if this makes any difference...


    The last update to the container was pushed about two weeks ago...

    After the update happened heres what happened, somehow transcode speed which is normally set to faster in playback dashboard became set to medium and this brought huge problems in video playback until I turned it back. There is a bunch of speed settings I can see very slow, medium, fast and faster and very fast and superfast and ultrafast. I find mine plays perfectly on faster setting and pixellates and distorts playback on anything slower. Too fast and it reduces quality I got mine right in the middle. This is with a brand new server. Ryzen 5800X 32 GB ram 48TB disc plus 4 extra bays so capacity 130 tb and 5.5 TB cache MSI 1050Ti OC Nvidia 750 modular AGK power supply. 9 cooling fans 4 of them are 200mm the rest 3 140mm and 2 120mm with blue and RGB Enterprise EXOS 16 TB drives My favorite drives in the whole world. Super performance and speed is fantastic, transfer rates are 1.4 GB/s when transferring to cache enabled drives and 284 to 300mbs when transferring to disks directly, read is less at 181mbs but write speeds are where my server really pleases me. The ryzen 5800X is a monster, I had a r5 5600G and it maxed out during jellyfin media library scans. the R7 5800X runs at about 30% during most very intensive activities and I highly recommend that cpu for unraid, it runs everything alot faster and more stable than any other CPU I have tested. It idles doing a few tasks at 2% usage and 5600G uses 11% for idle. I got my problem all fixed now but I have another quest and thats to save space by encoding all my media to AV1 but I cant get Jellyfin to add it to the media library so thats another thing I am reading about all over to try to find answers. Mabye its just too soon to use this codec and not propper support, but it sure plays good on media player in windows size of the file went from 336 MB to 144MB it is the Next generation of media codec and we will all be wanting to use it because it will cut our media storage demands in less than half size


  23. On 2/9/2022 at 7:37 AM, Macleod76 said:

    I had a server crash and in the process of fixing all of it. Before the crash Jellyfin and video transcode through my nvidia 1080i was working perfectly. Now when i have transcoding turned on, by video is distorted. Everything i have tested so far is h264, which is checked marked in my jellyfin settings. I have tripple checked all of my settings, and everything seems to be correct. If i turn off transcoding, the videos play without any distorting. I am not having the same issues with plex. Any thoughts or ideas?

    Yes, its likely that your transcoding speed got changed, in jellyfin under playback settings you could increase the transcoding speed and this removes distortion, it should be set to fast, mine distorts on medium and I have high end brand new hardware so the medium setting is probably bad for others too. if fast doesnt work then set it to faster and re-test. post your results here. Quality will go down a little with faster transcoding but it should take care of pixelation and distortion in playback of HEVC or H264 Remember, too slow, it pixelates and distorts and too fast it makes the video fuzzy so you will need somewhere in the middle to get proper playback.

  24. I would like to save space and convert my media to AV1 it is less than half the size, a 336mb movie clip file converted to 144mb, wow right! of HEVC and the next generation of codec. Is this really supported, I tested converting a file. Jellyfin is supposed to support AV1 but when I scanned the test file into my media library it doesnt appear. Is there anything I need to know about AV1 media and adding it to jellyfin, 10 .6 is supposed to support it but I cant locate the file in the menu anywhere after the library scan.

    How can I make it play the AV1 files? Is it even possible to play them? Netflix is already streaming some AV1 to android and amazon prime is not far behind they are all planning to convert to AV1. It is 35% more efficient and better supported on devices and its supposed to be way better than HEVC.

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