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  1. Hallo, ich bin der Entwickler von Homarr und helfe dir gerne weiter. Homarr unterstützt das Starten, Stoppen und Löschen von Container per UI. Dies ist hier dokumentiert: https://homarr.dev/docs/advanced/configuration/environment-variables#docker-integration Du kannst diese Funktionalität deaktivieren, wenn du die nicht möchtest, indem du in deiner Unraid App den Mount zu /var/run/docker.sock löscht. Dadurch ist es nicht länger möglich Container zu stoppen oder löschen. Bezüglich Sicherheit: deine Container sehen per Standard immer dein Netzwerk. Möchtest du zusätzlich Sicherheit dann empfehle ich die benutzerdefinierte Docker Netzwerke oder VLANs. LG
  2. Just ensure to put a space between options like you do on Linux commands: --optionA valueA --optionB valueB In your case, that would probably be something along the lines of --network mycontainer --user ???:???
  3. Hi, you can add the user flag in the "Extra argugments" when editing the docker container. You may need to activate the advanced mode if you do not see this field. Please do not ask the image authors for Unraid specific questions, because they usually will not know how Unraid works. Setting 777 will work but is strongly not recommended, because it will enable anyone on the machine to write, read, delete and execute these specific files. This is considered to be dangerous because this could be used in a malicious way and is therefore considered bad practice.
  4. Dashdot should not need any persistence on the file system. The default set-up should work. Can you explain why you want to mount? If you want to mount the container, you can do this by editing the container.
  5. Hi, this is not an issue with the template: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/141336-cant-pull-or-update-docker-containers-dns-issue/
  6. Sounds good 👍. If you still have any trouble after that I would suggest that you open an slskd issue.
  7. Hi, I'd like to emphasize that I'm not the image author but only created the template. This means I generally can't help with any modifications that do not exist in my default template that I provide. That being said, I think you have multiple options to fix the container permissions: Ensure that the directories are owned by the docker user. This is usually "nobody". You can also add this user to a group on your host machine and permit write & read to this user. The application shouldn't need execute. It seems that the container runs on root via default: https://github.com/slskd/slskd/blob/master/docs/docker.md . You could ensure that root can write & read on these directories. In the worst case, you could permit all users to write & read. This is considered bad practice and is not recommended. However, it might not be too bad if no parts of your server are exposed. If you still have trouble, I would suggest reaching out to the author of slskd. Keep in mind that they usually don't know "Unraid" or other distributions and they expect you to provide the docker run command (you can obtain this from Unraid). I hope this helps.
  8. Hi, you need to have a list instead of a single string: https://github.com/slskd/slskd/blob/master/docs/config.md#directories. shares: directories: - "/musique"
  9. Hi, I recommend you to read the configuration for the shared: https://github.com/slskd/slskd/blob/master/docs/config.md#shares . Please note that you must mount your directories to inside the container using a path mode (prefer read-only if possible). Then reference this path using the config. So when you're editing the config file, you're unable to edit it? Have you read https://github.com/slskd/slskd/blob/master/docs/docker.md ? As far as I can see, you should edit this on the mounted directory while the application is stopped, save it and then restart the application.
  10. You'll see an update button in Unraid when it get's updated. We publish updates here and you can subscribe on the repository to get notified by GitHub for new releases: https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/releases
  11. Hi, Dash. does not offer any mount points: https://getdashdot.com/. This is why you don't see any in Unraid.
  12. Hi, Homarr requires you to set an administrator account for security. Once you've created this account, it will no longer ask you for it. However, to make any changes to the boards or settings, you must relogin to your administrator account. If you're having troubles with the account or forgot your password, you can use the CLI to recover your account or start from scratch: https://homarr.dev/docs/advanced/command-line/ Sorry, I don't get your question. How may I help you?
  13. Although I wasn't able to 100% confirm, because I had to wait days to get it to crash, I suspect that it was any of the following containers: - GitLab - Postgres14 - Postgres15 - pgAdmin4 I'd assume that deleting the database would be enough to get rid of the errror. Although it should be noted, that the crash could be caused by a different error that we don't see in the log. The Postgres error is just the last entry and makes it quite likely that it's the reason for the crash. Furthermore, I can confirm that no plugin or Unraid itself was causing the crash.
  14. After debugging multiple weeks, I can confirm that one of the Docker containers caused the crashes. However, I migrated to a different OS due to the frustration and other problems I had. Thanks for your help 👍
  15. Thanks, I'll let it run in safe mode. But without Docker, it's useless to me. I see a Call trace mentioning Postgres and "php-fpm" in the log. I assume php-fpm is from Unraid itself but Postgres is not. Could a Docker container be crashing Unraid? I do run two instances of Postgres. "Corrupted page table at address 55b437033b50" sounds to me that there could be corrupted data in one of the databases. If one container accesses said data only periodically or upon requests, this would explain the seemingly random behavior of the crash.
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