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  1. thanks for your reply ,this is the diagnostics zip , tower-diagnostics-20240809-0908.zip
  2. I understand what you mean, but I have only configured one task, and the other party for this task has also received the corresponding file, so I am still investigating the problem.
  3. It's not RAM, but the container has a large volume. As follows: 23b39db36d78 DirSyncPro 136.73% 2.603GiB / 31.11GiB 8.37% 1.86GB / 451GB 742GB / 52.8GB, 52.8g used It's not RAM, but the container has a large volume. As follows: CONTAINER ID NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O PIDS 23b39db36d78 DirSyncPro 136.73% 2.603GiB / 31.11GiB 8.37% 1.86GB / 451GB 742GB / 52.8GB, 52.8g used
  4. A new issue is that I need to synchronize a lot of files now, which are very large in size, causing me to have a larger volume of containers. What is the reason for this? Can I persist certain folders to disk to solve this problem.
  5. It is true that the download has been unsuccessful.
  6. In addition to this app, is there a more recommended APP for synchronization
  7. Yes, I also saw this message, but was puzzled why.
  8. I think I am solving or have found the problem. After I changed my v2ray to redirect mode, the background is downloading runtime. But very confused, I have actually modified the unraid proxy before.
  9. I just reinstalled it again without changing any configuration except for the port, and the result is the same. The following is the log message: ---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user--- ---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user--- ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Checking configuration for noVNC--- Nothing to do, noVNC resizing set to default Nothing to do, noVNC qaulity set to default Nothing to do, noVNC compression set to default ---Taking ownership of data...--- ---Starting...--- ---Checking for 'runtime' folder--- ---'runtime' folder not found, creating...--- ---Checking if Runtime is installed--- ---Downloading and installing Runtime--- ---Something went wrong, can't download Runtime, putting server in sleep mode---
  10. I tried to reinstall it a few times, deleting containers and folders, but the download never finished.
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