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Posts posted by K.A

  1. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    Mover deletes files from a pool after they are successfully moved to the array, if for example the power fails in the middle of moving a file, the one on the array will be incomplete/corrupt and the one on the pool will be fine, you'd them need to deleted the one on the array as the mover won't overwrite existing files.

    Thanks JorgeB, you help a lot!!!

  2. 7 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Yes, Unraid supports multiple btrfs pools, they can be made of flash devices or disks.


    If you need to transfer large amounts of data quickly would need an adequate capacity pool, like mentioned pools can also use disks, not just SSDs.



    Is the pool is works like a transit media or it works like proper virtual disk? 

    Mover = copy & paste ? or Cut & paste? 
    I'm just wondering if transfer files to the cache pool first, let the pool "mover" to the Array, if there is any interrupt when in mover not comeplete like "power-off", "unplug drive", "override the files to cache" etc, will the file integrity still safe?

  3. 35 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Gigabit is limited to around 115MB/s, so those look normal.


    With 10GbE and when transferring to Unraid, the first few GBs are cached to RAM, them you're limited to device write speed, and with an Unraid array that means the speed of a single disk, same for read speed, so those also look normal, for better speeds you'd need to use pools or SSD/NVMe devices. 




    Is that the pools you mentioned means the cache drives yeah?

    In addition questions, If I normally transfer more than 1TB to my NAS each time, which means I need to use a SSD cache drive which more than 1TB, otherwise I will be stuck before the mover finish yeah? Because I tried to transfer 1TB files to my Array with 128G Cache drive installed, my transfer speed able to reach the cache ssd speed, however it will be stuck to transfer when the cache drive are full. I have to manually click the mover.

  4. Hi guys im new with unraid. After few days test with the trial version, I have lots of confuse.


    First is the "none raid style", I have 7 x 4 TB drives and I tried to make a 1 parity + 6 drive Array without Cache Drive.

    I have a 1Gbps internal port (through Router) and a 10Gbps Pcie NIC (directly to PC) in my nas.


    1. Transfer between the 1Gbps internal, the transfer speed is kept on 112MB/s (PC to NAS), 100MB/s (NAS to PC).

    >>I think the speed on 1Gbps link are kind of normal since it closed to the link speed bottleneck.


    2.Transfer between the 10Gbps pcie NIC, the transfer speed are like below ( both the same as single and multi-files),
       PC to NAS : 800MB/s for few second then drop to 145MB/s
       NAS to PC : Around 160MB/s.

    Q1 :  Are these speed normal?
    Q2 :  Is that means I can't get close to the 10Gbps speed unless I change all drives in my Array to Nvme or SSD?

    Q4 :  If I run a vm (with raid compatible system) in unraid, can I have a raid like transfer speed between my PC to VM (unless raid 5/6 speed)?


    I don't use cache drive atm,. because I don't have large enough SSD to save my file before mover.


    Can anybody please help me on this?



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