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Posts posted by sane

  1. On 08 February 2018 at 9:05 AM, s_mason16 said:



    I used this logo on a drive cage. Hope that's fine. It's my favorite of the submitted logo ideas so far. Here it is. 





    That's fine by me sir, glad you liked it.


    I wonder when the tame designer lime employed is going to come back with their finalised efforts?


    And I wonder how many will say "oh no, I preferred ...."   ;-)

  2. On 28 November 2017 at 8:28 AM, jonp said:

    Definitely liking this concept.  Not necessarily a huge fan of the font, but the interlocking U and N are really cool!


    OK, since people were saying nice things, I gave it another half hour. Tweaked the text into an actual path, stylised it, bolted in Lev's box concept for container/disks. Also put the 'un' chain with the U at a slightly jaunty angle which looks a bit better methinks.

    Still not right, too busy and quickly lashed up, but might help on the ideas front.

    Also tried some B&W, ico, and NAS box example other looks.



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  3. 1 hour ago, jonp said:

    Definitely liking this concept.  Not necessarily a huge fan of the font, but the interlocking U and N are really cool!


    If you want the marketing bull, the U & N are supposed to be reminiscent of interlocking chain, and thus subconsciously remind people of security - and can also be abstract enough to run as a icon in it's own right.


    Or otherwise, in practical terms, it's something to do with U and the N since otherwise they can unbalance things.


    As I said this was pretty much slapped together - and the RAID part isn't right. Doesn't want to be too busy, and the idea was to merge serifs to give a 'continuous flow', which could be accentuated. But it could certainly also be very different.


    From a logo design front the only thing that niggles is  there is no reflection of the containers or VM aspects - couldn't think of any approach that wasn't naff.

  4. 10 hours ago, brownster said:

    Been offline for a long long while,


    Last week I fired up my Tower and now just migrating drives over to unraid  (from flexraid) once this is done, i will look at this again  with the latest version of freepbx.


    Hopefully i'll have an update in a couple of weeks.


    Is there a guide on creating the docker repo/xml for unraid?

    Sound good !


    There were tutorials in the docker engine fora, but not sure exactly where the best one is now. Worth asking the question over there for pointers, I don't think they bite.


    Maybe for templates ...


  5. Definitely something screwy on the upload of PNGs. Even with the right size, etc. it refused to work unless I reached in with an SSH session and forced it. Probably need to also mod to give a subtle white outline to the logo/text - otherwise it disappears against a dark background.

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