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Posts posted by Dreeas

  1. I believe I just found the culprit to be the unraid-api docker I had running to link my unraid to Home Assistant.

    When unraid-api was running it was writing all the time to the USB slowing down the GUI and also filling up my VMs with these alarms. 

    As soon as I stopped this docker the alarms on my VMs almost stopped, now only coming when I log into the GUI.

    The first thing I tried was to stop all dockers so not sure why I didn't notice that the first time.


    I will monitor for a few more days with all VMs running. 


    And thanks for the tip of the syslog server, I will enable that. 



  2. Unraid newbie here seeking some councelling;

    After upgrading to 6.10.3 I have encountered some issues with my Unraid GUI getting unresponsive after a few days.

    All my dockers, VMs, shares are working as normal and I can reach the server with SSH.
    I have tried to stop all dockers and VMs, still GUI is unresponsive.
    I have tried /etc/rc.d/rc nginx restart, and /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm restart.

    Only way to access GUI again is to reboot the server.


    This has happened several several times since the upgrade and I have noticed that if I have left my Win11 VM on over night the GUI has been unresponsive the day after, not sure if it is a coincidence but will test further by not leaving it on.


    I have also noticed that both my VMs are generating errors in the logs every 20sec, anyone know that these are?:


    Win11 VM:
    2022-06-22 08:50:15.966+0000: Domain id=2 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-06-22 08:50:35.955+0000: Domain id=2 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-06-22 08:50:56.007+0000: Domain id=2 is tainted: custom-ga-command


    Home Assistant OS:
    2022-06-22 08:51:15.876+0000: Domain id=1 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-06-22 08:51:35.856+0000: Domain id=1 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-06-22 08:51:55.862+0000: Domain id=1 is tainted: custom-ga-command


    I made a couple of posts on the Unraid reddit forums earlier, hence the dates you see in the logs.

    I have the first 2 cores dedicated to Unraid, and I have seen that a libvirtd process is using alot of CPU lately.


    Here is a diagnostics I generated via SSH when my GUI did not respond.



  3. Humor me, with a reverse proxy (NGINX and cloudflare) and a long complex password generated from a password manager, how much trouble would a hacker go through just to get access through my exposed WebGUI to my humble server? 

    Is Authelia or other 2FA possible with NGINX? 
    I need to be able to access from my company computer and I have no possibility to connect through VPN from here.

  4. 14 hours ago, matthope said:


    I think that @Linguafoeda posts are a little bit misleading. It seems to be specific to a particular application, i.e Parsec. He seems to have resolved is issue using the GPU sound output and piping it through VB-Cable.


    However, his issues doesn't seem to be related to passing through the chipset audio. In your case VB-Cable won't work at all. At least I don't see anyways how it's gonna help you. Correct me if i'm wrong, but you are trying to use the physical audio output of your motherboard, right? 


    If that is the case and you're not able to break the iommu group, you can still try to passthrough the device with the method i've described in this thread, either in the VM XML or with the VM form view. It's probable that you will be obligated to edit the XML as the device should't be available in the audio device selection tab. 


    Passing through the internal audio is quite fiddly an weird at time. So best of luck and have fun !


    I got fed up yesterday and went and bought an external USB sound amp/DAC for my headset, that also made my headset sound even better as well.

    Thanks for the answer.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 8/7/2021 at 6:36 PM, Linguafoeda said:

    Try out VB-Cable, it's working for me

    I cant seem to get VB-Cable to work.
    I have the same issues that I can't split my MB sound output IOMMU group, and I really want to use my Sennheiser headset with the jack output and mic on my Windows 10 VM.
    Anyone have any tips on how to set it up? VB-Cable installed, and all kinds of sound settings tried, with setting various default devices etc. 
    I don't see how the audio jacks on the MB can output sound in my VM if it is not passed through?

    My monitor has a jack output I could use and get audio from GPU, but then I lack the mic, and we all know people with no mic in PUBG is the worst kind :)

  6. 51 minutes ago, ccruzen said:

    @DreeasLooks like a great build and very similar to what I'm planning.  Glad to hear it is working out for you.

    Is this your first foray into Unraid?  Just looked and I purchased my first Pro license in 2011.  Been using it ever since with great results.

    Yeah I just heard of Unraid this fall, been scrolling the forums and youtube for a few months before jumping onboard. Coming from a Synology NAS.

  7. I also pulled the plug and built my first server a week ago:



    I was also afraid I was going overkill as I usually do. 

    After playing with it for a few days I got a bit carried away and bought a RTX3060TI for the gaming VM I setup, and then the serverbuild wasn't overkill anymore.
    Running about 20 dockers including Plex that uses the IGPU for 4K transcoding of very high bitrate files (70gb+), a win10 gaming vm and a Home assistant VM. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Hi,


    I made the jump and ordered all my parts just over a week ago:



    Moved all HDD´s from my NAS, and also impulse bought a RTX3060TI a couple of days ago to test out a gaming VM as well.


    It´s been a real fun project, and I´ve setup the IGPU for Plex 4K transcoding as I have mainly 4K movies that I directplay on my Nvidia Shield, but friends and family also have access to my library and I have tested with 3 simultaneous 4K transcodes -> 1080 10mbit with no issue. All 4K files above 60mbit.


    Have spent the weekend playing around with passing the new 3060 to a Windows VM and tested abit of gaming as well.

    As a brand new computer builder and Unraid user its not exactly "out of the box" to say the least, but lots of Youtube and Unraid forums and I got it going.

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/23/2022 at 5:35 AM, Jurak said:

    Ok uninstalled a few times and now im getting this below.


    s=2022-01-23T04:34:02.460Z caller=query_logger.go:86 level=error component=activeQueryTracker msg="Error opening query log file" file=/prometheus/queries.active err="open /prometheus/queries.active: permission denied"

    panic: Unable to create mmap-ed active query log

    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/prometheus/prometheus/promql.NewActiveQueryTracker({0x7ffc79a57eac, 0xb}, 0x14, {0x3547580, 0xc00080f540})
    /app/promql/query_logger.go:116 +0x3d7
    /app/cmd/prometheus/main.go:567 +0x5c93


    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    I also encountered this, any tips appriciated.
    Unraid 6.10 rc2.

  10. On 1/11/2022 at 11:35 AM, ju_media said:

    Curious to know what version of UNRAID you are all using? Just read a thread that discussed the Conbee pass through breaking specifically when upgrading from 6.9.2 to 6.10.X. 

    are you guys all running 6.10.X, or did any of you have troubles passing the Conbee through to the VM while running 6.9.2?


    Brand new Unraid user here, moved my HA install to a Unraid 6.10.X VM and have the same issue with my ConBee ll. Not tested on 6.9.2.

    It is discovered but fails when trying to add. 


    Real bummer this.

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