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Posts posted by johngalt

  1. Cool. I’ll go with the intel Motherboard and the i5. I’m still looking at cases but leaning towards the Antec and I’ll keep an eye on temps.

    I’m thinking 16gb of RAM should be fine.


    For a PSU, I’m looking at a Corsair 650w unit. It has 8 SATA connectors without having to add any extra cables. I’m thinking this is more than enough for 8 drives.

    Only other thing is the networking card. I remember some compatibility issues back from my first build where I had to have a separate NIC. Are those a thing of the past and I can use the motherboard for Ethernet now? 

    Any issues with my build so far? Probably going to put my order in later today.

  2. Even with the three fans in front of the bays? It looks like I can just leave the front panel open for extra airflow if needed. It’s going to be sitting in a media closet, so not too concerned over how it looks. 

  3. Background: I've been using unRAID for about ten years now. My first server started out as a media server and as I started having extra storage space, I started using it as additional data storage. Now that I have a whole slew of extra HDDs sitting around, I thought I would build a second server and use Server 1 solely for Media again, and move all my data storage to Server 2. This will free up a lot of space on Server 1 and delay upgrading HDDs for while, which should result in overall cost savings factoring in the new build.


    I'm looking at putting in 8-10 6TB drives right now. It will be used for data storage and nothing else.


    It looks like a lot has changed with hardware compatibility over the last decade, so I just want to run a few options by and make sure everything should work with unRAID.


    Either way, I'm looking at this Antec P101 Case. It will hold 8 HDDs and has one additional 5.25" bay which I could convert to a 9th drive if needed. Ideally I was looking for a 10 drive case, but didn't really see any good options in the $100 range.



    Option 1: AMD

    Motherboard: https://www.newegg.com/msi-pro-b550-vc/p/N82E16813144547?Item=N82E16813144547&SoldByNewegg=1&quicklink=true

    CPU: https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-5-4600g-ryzen-5-4000-g-series/p/N82E16819113744?Item=N82E16819113744&SoldByNewegg=1&quicklink=true


    Option 2: Intel

    Motherboard: https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16813162014?Item=N82E16813162014&quicklink=true

    CPU: https://www.newegg.com/intel-core-i5-10400-core-i5-10th-gen/p/N82E16819118135?Item=N82E16819118135&SoldByNewegg=1


    The Intel option is using the LGA1200 socket. For my use case, I didn't really think I need the newer LGA1700, but can look into those options if recommended.


    I'm just looking for a simple build that can be assembled and with some basic set up, just plug and play. The AMD looks to be a little cheaper, but wanted to look at both options and will go with whichever has the best ease of use. Any recommendations are appreciated.


  4. Thanks for all the help. Went ahead and ordered the card and SFF8643 cables.


    At this point, are these just false errors due to the controller or is there a possibility my data was  corrupted? Once I get the new card up and going, I just need to rebuild parity and then go through the normal drive replacement for the new 18tb drive?

  5. ok, I'll pull that and RMA it. In the meantime is there any harm in putting the old drive back in? It's giving me the message "The replacement disk must be as big or bigger than the original.". I assume I need to do a New Config and preserve all. Am I going to mess anything up in doing that? Or should I just wait for the new drive to come in? We're going to be out of town for the next week anyway, so it won't be a big deal to just wait it out. I was thinking I'd like to get the old drive in to confirm the problems do lie with the new drive.

  6. Updated prior post. Array is up and running. New diagnostics attached.


    What should my next steps be? My new disk was 90% through step 5 of the preclear when everything crashed. Should I replace that drive with the old one and run a parity check before continuing?


    I wouldn't have normally had the array up and running with a missing disk, but my wife is nursing and wants to watch Friends, so I made an exception. 


  7. ok, swapped a couple drives. Disk 9 is now found and Disk 13 is missing. Looks like whatever is attached to that port is showing up as missing. 


    Would this be the root cause of why there were errors across the array this morning, or is this just collateral damage and there's more to it?


    Edit: Apparently I forgot to plug the SATA cable back in. Plugged it in and all discs are up and running now

  8. I was in the process of upgrading a hard drive when I woke up this morning and had 921 errors across the array. I had pulled the drive, replaced with the new one and was preclearing that when this occurred. It also seems to be stuck, as I went to stop the array and it just says "stopping". I can't shutdown or restart at this point. On the dashboard, my processor is also running at 90%, which I've never seen before. Diagnostics attached.


  9. Title says it all. I've recently converted all my drives from ReiserFS to XFS and want to add the Cache drive while I'm doing maintenance. I currently have a 15 drive server with 14 in the array and 1 for parity. Right now drive #14 is empty so I want to remove that from the array and add in a 500gb SSD for Cache.


    I assume this will use the new config tool, but I'm not sure of what's involved. 

  10. First disk completed successfully using unBalance and onto disk 2 now. Will probably take a break after that to ensure that everything is up and running so I can broadcast the Super Bowl throughout the house on Sunday.


    This might be a stupid question, but as long as there are no files left on the disk, can I assume the files were transferred successfully? No risk of an error happening during the transfer and the file got moved, but corrupted during the process?


    I also noticed that my appsdata folder was spread across all 14 of my disks. My plan for this is to move everything from each disk's appsdata folder to a single disk and then add each disk to the exclude list for appsdata as I go. Theoretically it would then be consolidated to a single disk, and every other disk is on the exclude list. I'll add a SSD for a cache drive after everything is xfs and then move the folder over to that. Does this sound like a good way to go about that?


    From someone who is a casual "set it and forget it" user, this forum has been a great help. As you can tell, I hardly do any maintenance on my server and am getting caught up on a lot right now. I'm really appreciative of all the help you guys provide.

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