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Everything posted by mcoz

  1. Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated.
  2. As per title. My system has been stable. Diagnostics are attached. Couldn't find any other posts that are similar based on my understanding. Is the reference to "microcode" in the syslog relevant? Thanks in advance tower-diagnostics-20220527-0930.zip
  3. Thanks @trurl for the feedback - makes sense now that I think about that the array has to be running - the learning continues.
  4. I am considering changing the setup of the shares on my unraid server. Preferably this would be achieved without moving or copying data off the array (I can do this but would rather not if it can be avoided) Currently I have the following - "tv" share on disks 1 and 2 using "fill up" allocation method. Disk 1 is full and disk 2 has about 50% free space - "movie" share on disk 3 which is only 10% utilized I am considering combining the tv and movie shares into one share called "media" with folders for "tv" and "movies" Based on my research so far I think the following should work (I've searched the forums using as many relevant search terms that I can think of): 1. create a new share in the GUI called "media" including all 3 disks 2. Stop the array 3. in a terminal or MC move /mnt/user/{tv,movies}/ into /mnt/user/media 4. restart array It's my understanding that doing the above will not move files between disks. Assuming the above is successful other steps that I think may be beneficial 1. change the allocation method for the new media share to high water 2. use the unbalance plugin to spread the data across the 3 disks I currently have Split Level set as "automatically split any directory as required" on both shares. I'm aware from reading the docs that one benefit of having separate shares for tv and movies is the ability of fine tuning split levels. I'm not sure how much this should factor into my decision to restructure the shares given that I didn't originally set up split levels optimally. I am not fully committed to making the change but would appreciate any advice regarding my proposed method. Thanks in advance
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