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  1. Hey yes, absolutely my fault, i followed spaceinvader one's guide "1share to rule them all", thus creating a booby trap for my noob-ass all by myself. Definitely gonna rethink that config choice in the winter holidays, but for now it will suffice :D. Again thank you all for your time and thoughts, great community here!
  2. Thank you all very much, crisis averted! For anyone curious or interested or in case you are an idiot just like me: I have 4 shares, Movies, Tv, Other and rootshare. And yes rootshare is exactly what you think it is, a network share where i can move the other shares completely and freely around. What did I do this morning? I got some new files, copied them via samba directly into movies, after that I accessed rootshare to move the 2 files meant for TV into the TV directory, more specifically into the subfolder "G" in TV. Well at least thats what I wanted to do, instead I marked the Movie share in rootshare and cut and copied into "G", and thats where plex suddenly broke down and stopped working, and shortly after opened this ticket. So after Squids post I looked frantically, found the share and moved it back (this time using krusader lol) into the rootshare. I guess running system diagnostics and disk diagnostics won't do any harm so I'll get on to that soon, but I just tested some files randomly on the share and it looks fine and the files are working. Thanks again guys, you saved my weekend!
  3. The 2 files i moved? No, they are also gone completely and not where I moved them to. Its like during the moving process something went terribly wrong somewhere. OH MY GOD you got it, I've moved the entire share to the TV directoy I'm such a fucking buffoon. Well how do i go from here - do I just move the share back to where it was and restart the array?
  4. Well, that doesn't sound good :/. I moved some files from my windows client via SMB to the movies directory, but there were 2 files for TV included so wanted to move them from movies to TV and at that moment the connection was lost and the share gone. So data is 100% lost? Why does the disk then still show the same used space as yesterday when the share and files were still accessible?
  5. Hey, thanks for the fast reply. On MAIN everything looks good, all three disks are fine, as well as the parity drive. Disk drives are formatted in XFS as they are meant to be and the space used is correct according to yesterday when I could still access the share. Also no errors shown. It looks like unraid has lost the share allocation to the drives but I can´t wrap my head around why.
  6. Hello, this morning I wanted to move some media file to one of my shares, and discovered that the share was completely missing in my gui. It is not listed under shares, when I enter ls -al /mnt/user i get: Last login: Sat Dec 4 03:40:31 -0800 2021 on /dev/pts/1. root@Muspelheim:~# ls -al /mnt/user total 16 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 48 Dec 4 03:56 ./ drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 180 Dec 4 03:46 ../ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 6 Dec 4 03:16 Filme/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 49 Nov 25 11:29 Other/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 75 Jul 9 06:05 TV/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 120 Apr 1 2021 appdata/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 0 May 21 2021 domains/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 70 Oct 25 09:17 isos/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 26 Oct 31 2020 system/ normally "movies/" would be listed there, i created the directoy "Filme" so see if that was still possible, and as you can see, it is. Then I checked the diagnostics and while I still have a config file, it does look odd (M----s.cfg) and in the file it says: # Share exists on no drives. So basically, my share is still there but not attached to any disk, while it should be attached to at least disk 1 and 3. The question is, how do I gain back access or if that is not possible, how do I move the data which still seems to be there? Thank you very much in advance. muspelheim-diagnostics-20211204-1138.rar
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