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  1. Hello, Running UnRAID v6.9.2 and both the unraid server and my pfSense server both run off the same UPS. The UPS is connected to (and controlled by) my pfSense server, and the unRAID server simply connects to it remotely and monitors it's status for it's own purposes. All the unRAID server has to do it monitor it and at a certain threshold during a power outage (~60% battery remaining) will trigger a graceful shutdown of my NAS. This works fine and only shuts down the NAS for moderate to long power-outages, and I have my pfSense server setup to actually send out any necessary notifications related to the UPS. Thing is, I have my pfSense server auto-reboot on a regular basis. unRAID perceives these events as a critical failure and sends out notifications. I don't need unRAID sending out notifications for UPS-related events given pfSense is handling that, so I was wondering if there was a way to disable just UPS-related notifications on unRAID? Thanks!
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