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Posts posted by kilonde

  1. On 3/9/2023 at 1:30 AM, witten said:


    "[email protected]:/mnt/disk/borg_backup/repo" would be rewritten as "ssh://[email protected]/mnt/disk/borg_backup/repo". Note both the "ssh://" and the removed ":" after the IP.


    Newer versions of borgmatic will show you this as part of the deprecation warning:


    test.yaml: Remote repository paths without ssh:// syntax are deprecated. Interpreting "[email protected]:/mnt/disk/borg_backup/repo" as "ssh://[email protected]/mnt/disk/borg_backup/repo"



    It doesn't have to be exactly the same, but it's good to stay within the same major version if you can. (E.g. 1.x and 1.x.) There are some exceptions to that, like there were some major changes in Borg 1.2.

    Thanks for your help, this has worked!

    • Like 1
  2. I am confused how to update my repo path in the configuration to avoid this error:


    Remote repository paths without ssh:// syntax are deprecated.

    My repo configuration is like this:


    [email protected]:/mnt/disk/borg_backup/repo


    and the ssh command looks like this:

        ssh_command: ssh -i /root/.ssh/Pi



    Also, is it advised to keep the same version of borg on client and the server?

  3. On 12/8/2022 at 4:54 PM, mgutt said:

    It does and it does not "run". It changes only Linux configs. Easy verification: execute powertop and use TAB to switch to the last tab. Every entry is "good".

    Thanks again, that makes sense, the tunables tab is showing good for all parameters. Yet my Idle stats dont look promising:




    And it looks like only two frequencies - 800MHz or 3.6 GHz




    Can I make some further changes? All C states are enabled in bios, no VMs. 

  4. On 10/30/2022 at 11:40 AM, J05u said:

    When I run autotune i am getting 

    powertop: /lib64/libncursesw.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop)
    powertop: /lib64/libtinfo.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop)
    modprobe cpufreq_stats failed
    Loaded 0 prior measurements
    Cannot load from file /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop
    File will be loaded after taking minimum number of measurement(s) with battery only 
    RAPL device for cpu 0
    RAPL device for cpu 0
    Devfreq not enabled
    glob returned GLOB_ABORTED
    Cannot load from file /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop
    File will be load


    In tunables all showing as good


    But in Pkg(HW) as on screenhot bad, all zeros


    What i can do to fix it?

    I get the same error, have you managed to get it working? I'm using 10th gen Intel.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Solverz said:

    I mean, the logs say "error at 1,4,6,7"


    Looking at the part "1,4,6,7" in your crontab.txt file, I do not understand what this is here for and Cron does not understand what it is.

    Thanks, I replaced it with 20 4 * * 1,4,6,0 and it appears to have worked! 7 is not Sunday :)



  6. On 1/11/2022 at 2:42 PM, sdub said:


    To be honest, I think I just copied the PATH statements from an example, and never messed with it.  It might not be strictly necessary, but note that cron runs as root, but not with the full root environment.  So if you have before backup or after backup hooks in your borgmatic config, they might fail to run without explicitly giving the path.


    By default, borg/borgmatic just log their output to the console.  the "2>&1" at the end of the line redirects error output to the console.   In our Unraid Docker setup, these logs are viewable in the docker log window.


    Recently, I decided I wanted proper logfiles, so I added the following to my docker config:



    Then I changed my cron command as follows:

    /usr/bin/borgmatic -v 1 --files --stats > /mnt/logs/backup-"`date +"%a-%H"`".log


    I perform backsups 2x daily, so this creates rolling logfiles named like:



    Note that you could also use a date code formatted like `date +"%Y.%m.%d-%H"` and you'd get logfiles like:



    and your log directory would just grow indefinitely.  Also note that I removed the 2>&1 from the end of the command.  This way the borg/borgmatic output is logged, but the errors are also shown on the docker log, which makes monitoring easier.


    I should probably update the docker template and description to make this the default behavior at some point.




    I have tried to set this up but it does not seem to work:

    20 4 * * 1,4,6,7 PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/bin/borgmatic prune create -v 1 --files --stats > /mnt/logs/backup-"`date +"%a-%H"`".log
    20 4    * * 3 PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/bin/borgmatic check -v 1 2>&1

    First added the statement with notepad but read elsewhere that it might be causing issues so recreated the file in VSC, the issue persists. 




    Logs are created but with a strange name:


    Docker log is full of cron errors as well 



    Any idea what is going wrong?


  7. Thanks for bringing borgmatic to unraid, I have managed to get it working with unassigned drive.


    The ultimate goal is to have a Raspberry Pi hosted remotely for backups - I have managed to do a test backup, but it looks like the encryption was done on the Pi?


    My plan is to set a wireguard connection schedule to connect the Pi to my unraid, run borgmatic backup and then disconnect the pi from my unraid. 


    What is the best way to:

    • Make sure the encryption is done on the more powerful unraid server
    • Connect and disconnect the Raspberry Pi Wireguard connection from the unraid server.

    Furthermore, my healthchecks only show this in notification emails:


    Starting a backup. Finished a backup.

    Is there a way to have more detailed --stats output?


    I have followed sdub's guide on creating persistent logs in appdata and can see the output. According to borgmatic documentation the notification should already contain some log up to 10kb? https://torsion.org/borgmatic/docs/how-to/monitor-your-backups/#healthchecks-hook


  8. On 12/29/2020 at 4:23 PM, Hoopster said:

    and every 3-4 month I run an alternative version of that script that deletes from the backup anything that has been deleted from the source.  I'll eventually likely do the same with the external drive, but, it's another fallback in case something gets accidentally deleted from the server (as has happened to me twice now with entire year of photos).

    Is there any chance you could share your backup "pruning" script?

  9. On 11/15/2020 at 11:37 PM, macem said:

    I am also "one of them" spending my whole day trying to get HW transcoding to work 😏

    As far as I can tell, I did all the recommendations in the various threats, but when I play a .mkv I don't see my HW is being used.


    What I did so far:

    1. I am using an Intel CPU with QuickSync support
    2. Added the following to my go file using the CA Config File editor and rebooted Unraid
      • modprobe i915
      • chmod -R 777 /dev/dri
    3. Added --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri to the extra parameters of the Jellyfin docker
    4. Enabled HW transcoding, using VAAPI and restarted Jellyfin
    5. When I hit the command /dev/dri I can access the folder (both from the server Terminal aswell in the Jellyfin _Console)
    6. When I hit the command in the Jellyfin _Console for a HW transcode (thanks @sir_storealot), I see it starts using the HW transcoder using the Intel GPU tools
    7. Even updated from Unraid 6.8.0 to Unraid 6.9.0 b35,rebooted the server, and hit the command to enable i915 support and did steps 5 and 6 again

    When I however start playing the same .mkv from the web-browser or the Android app of Jellyfin, it only uses my CPU and shows 'Direct Play'. When I look at the Intel GPU tools, it is also only using the CPU instead of the engine.


    Sorry for the details, but wanted to show what I did and not just gave up the first time it didn't work...

    Any suggestions what I am missing here?


    Have you or anyone else figured out HW transcoding for 10th gen intel CPUs?


    I followed all of the above steps and it still doesn't work. Looking at the thread history, I am not the only one :)



    I tried the ich777 jellyfin docker, and it worked without problems :)

  10. 20 hours ago, Squid said:

    Is piHole running as a container on Unraid?


    Generally, I do not recommend using piHole (especially if it's running on the server) to use for your DNS

    1. There's zero ads / tracking etc within the OS to begin with
    2. If you stop the array / container you lose access to the internet from the OS

    It is running on a separate device, but given your feedback I will change to cloudflare or openDNS.


    Thanks for your help.

  11. 2 hours ago, Squid said:

    Try settings static DNS addresses in Settings - Network Settings of and

    Thanks for the suggestion, it has worked - maybe something in the pihole lists?


    Is it safe to go back to auto DNS?

  12. How can I add another user and a new database?


    Should I use the console and follow mariadb instructions or is it something I need to do in the docker settings on unraid? Or perhaps a whole new docker container should be setup?


    Right now I am using it for nextcloud but would also like to use mariadb for my RPi base Home Assistant instance. 


    If you have a link handy I would very grateful :)


    Thank you!

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